How to Prepare Yummy Homemade cone(softy)chat

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How to Prepare Yummy Homemade cone(softy)chat
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How to Prepare Yummy Homemade cone(softy)chat Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Homemade cone(softy)chat. You can make a cat cone using a paper plate easily especially if you have a kitten or a small cat breed like the Munchkin or the Singapura cat. It's a good choice if there's a medical emergency. You can bring your pet to the vet right away and keep her from messing with her wounds with this simple.

Make your cone hat more wizardly by adding stars to it.

You can use star-shapes stickers, or you can paint on stars using star-shaped stencils.

If you are painting the stars on, consider using glow-in-the-dark paint.

You can have Homemade cone(softy)chat using 22 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Homemade cone(softy)chat

  1. It’s 4 piece of Ice cream cone.

  2. It’s 1/2 bowl of Hung curd.

  3. You need 1/2 tsp of Powder sugar.

  4. You need 4-5 drops of Rose water.

  5. It’s 1 piece of Onion.

  6. You need 1 piece of Tomato.

  7. You need 1 piece of Boiled potato.

  8. You need 1 piece of Lemon.

  9. You need 2-3 tsp of Roasted peas.

  10. It’s 2-3 tsp of Roasted peanuts.

  11. Prepare 1/2 bowl of Puffed rice (murmura) or roasted poha.

  12. It’s 1/4 bowl of Corn flakes.

  13. You need 1/4 bowl of Besan sev (bhujia).

  14. You need 1/2 cup of Raita boondi optional.

  15. You need to taste of Salt.

  16. You need 1 of Green chilli.

  17. You need 1/4 tsp of Red pepper powder.

  18. It’s 1/4 tsp of Black pepper crushed.

  19. It’s 2 tsp of Mint chutney in.

  20. Prepare 2 tsp of Turmerind (imly) chutney.

  21. It’s 4 piece of Imli goli.

  22. Prepare 2 piece of another any sweet and sour candy roughly crushed.

Pour the soft serve base into a standard at-home ice cream maker and turn on the machine.

Use a spatula to scoop all of the ice cream into a piping bag and pipe the ice cream out into a cone!

Only a wafer cone will do for a proper Mister Softee scoop. (For bonus points, line the bottom of the cone with chocolate dip a la the King Cone.) As for the Mister Softee swirl, that's hard to get without some pretty specialized equipment.

I mean, that's if you wanted to know more, about the math in general for, rolling your own, cones.

Homemade cone(softy)chat step by step

  1. First hung the curd and boil peel and cut the boiled potatoes in small cubes..add powder sugar and rose water in hung curd and mix.

  2. Take a big bowl and mix all the ingredients along with spices(green chilli, red peprika powder, salt, chat masala),both chutneys and chopped coriander(keep aside a hand full of besan sev for final garnishing)..Squeeze a 🍋 lemon and give a big toss so that all the ingredients mix well together.

  3. Take yor cones and start layering with hung curd and bhel mixture.

  4. First put hung curd in a piping bag and pour into the cone then one tsp of bhel mixture then hung curd then spoon ofbhel mixture..repeat the layers till the cone filled like a heap…

  5. At last squeeze curd making swirl like softy.

  6. Place imli goli on the side of cone over curd, 2-3 strands of besan sev and a particle (very small piece) of sweet&sour candy.

  7. Serve immediately before it became soggy.

  8. 👌Believe me guys its so tempting and cut to grab it fastly.

  9. Enjoy yors day with bhel cone and feel like have on a picnic.

  10. 👋bye.

  11. Tip :- u can make bhel with less ingredients which easily available..turmrind pulp can take at the place of lemon juice and can make bhel with roasted chana dal,puffed rice and some sev..u can skip green chilli if preparing for children.

I know you love Homemade Ice Cream so get ready for a whole new way to make it with my Soft Serve Ice Cream recipe.

I'll show you how to make.

Nothing goes with ice cream like a crunchy, flavorful cone.

You can buy these from the store, but you can also make better-tasting cones at home from a few simple ingredients.

Sometimes I come up with some recipes that make even me question my own sanity…but this recipe is different.