How to Make Perfect Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji)

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How to Make Perfect Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji)
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How to Make Perfect Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji). Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji) One of my friends on mixi taught me how to make brown rice amazake, so I decided to make brown rice amazake with miyako-koji. No more equipment than a bamboo steamer is needed. Follow this simple recipe and instructions, and you can make Brown Rice Koji right in your kitchen!

Skip to page two to get straight to the how-to.

Germinated brown rice (GBR; Korean: 발아현미(發芽玄米), romanized: bara-hyeonmi, Japanese: 発芽玄米(はつがげんまい), romanized: hatsuga-genmai) is unpolished brown rice that has been allowed to germinate to improve the flavor and texture, and to increase levels of nutrients such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

It has been found that germinated grains in general have.

You can cook Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji) using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji)

  1. Prepare 180 ml of Brown rice.

  2. Prepare 540 ml of Water.

  3. It’s 1 bag of Miyako-koji (or rice malt).

  4. You need of Necessary items:.

  5. Prepare 1 of machine A rice cooker that can make porridge and regular rice.

  6. You need 1 of set Disposable chopsticks.

Sprouted brown rice undergoes the germination process to produce high quality and nutrient boosting benefits.

Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji) One of my friends on mixi taught me how to make brown rice amazake, so I decided to make brown rice amazake with miyako-koji.

Basically it ended up being easier than I thought because all I had to do was mix the koji into the porridge.

Fermented brown rice (Koso Genmai) is very good for diet and health.

Brown Rice Amazake from Germinated Brown Rice (with Miyako-Koji) step by step

  1. Soak the brown rice in water for 24 hours changing the water in between to germinate it. When its done soaking, pour out the leftover water..

  2. Pour the rice into the rice container up to the third cup line or as much as youd like, and then pour in a large amount of water and set it to make the porridge..

  3. Cool the porridge to 60℃ degrees and mix in the scrunched up bag of koji. (Cool to the degree that you can stick your pinky finger in for about 5 seconds.).

  4. Use the disposable chopsticks and create a gap that is about as thick as a pair of scissors between the lid and the machine. Let it sit for 10 hours and let the porridge return to room temperature. (Mix 1-2 times during this time.).

  5. After 10 hours its done! How to drink it: Mix a small amount with water and add in a little bit of salt. Boil once and drink..

  6. How to store it: You can store it in the fridge or the freezer. 1 cup is about 200 grams. I froze it in 200 gram portions..

  7. I made this porridge with germinated brown rice but of course you can make porridge with regular rice and rice malt. You can even make it with regular rice porridge. Enjoy making it in many different ways..

Even for those who can't eat normal brown rice, they can eat fermented brown rice because it has fluffy texture with more umami.

Let's easily make fermented brown rice with organic ingredients at home!

Koji is a mold that is at the heart of many different Japanese ferments.

It is used to make miso, sake, amazake, rice vinegar, soy sauce and mirin.

Koji is grown on rice or barley, which are then used as the starter culture for further fermentation.