Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji

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Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji
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Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji. Great recipe for Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji. The procedures to make this differs by family. I use this recipe taught by my mother to marinate fish and meats, and to make pickled vegetables.

A century-old natural seasoning used in Japanese cooking to marinate, tenderize, and enhance umami flavor of a dish.

Learn more about this all-purpose seasoning.

Use shio koji to marinate meats, make pickles, or just use as a salt substitute.

You can have Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji using 12 ingredients and 25 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji

  1. Prepare 1 kg of Rice malt (kome koji).

  2. It’s 2 1/2 cup of Salt.

  3. You need 600 ml of Water (1st day).

  4. You need 150 ml of Water (2nd day).

  5. You need of If using 1 kg of rice malt (kome koji).

  6. Prepare 300 grams of or 250 grams Salt.

  7. You need 600 ml of Water (1st day).

  8. You need 150 ml of Water (2nd day).

  9. It’s of If using 500 g of rice malt (kome koji).

  10. It’s 150 grams of or 125 grams Salt.

  11. You need 300 ml of Water (1st day).

  12. It’s 75 ml of Water (2nd day).

Shio koji is very versatile and can be used in any kind of cooking.

Shio Koji is an ancient seasoning that has enjoyed a recent resurgence of popularity in Japan.

Slowly, the rest of the world is catching on.

Shio Koji is an amazingly versatile seasoning which can be used as a direct salt replacement.

Versatile Seasoning from the Countryside Shio-koji instructions

  1. I changed the vague measurements to exact. Please adjust the water amount according to the season..

  2. This is the rice malt (kome koji). The packaging will differ among manufacturers..

  3. If you are making a small amount, the ratio of rice malt to water should be 3:1 or 4:1. Use 250~300g water for 1 kg of rice malt..

  4. Mix salt and rice malt well in a large bowl, and put in a tupperware or porcelain bottle. Do not use a metal container, since itll react with the salt..

  5. Pour in water to cover the mixture..

  6. Seal well with a plastic wrap and close the lid. Keep at the room temperature..

  7. If you live in a warm area and are making it in the summertime, store in the refrigerator from the beginning. It takes slightly longer to make..

  8. It is hard to see in the picture, but the grains have absorbed the water the next day..

  9. The grains are still intact. Add the water (2nd day) and mix well. This is the only time youll add water..

  10. Stir once a day. Its ok if you forget..

  11. This is the 5th day. It starts to look pulpy..

  12. 10th day. It looks slimy..

  13. It is ready when the grains can be easily crushed if you pinch it with your fingers It depends on the season, but it should be ready in 10~14 days..

  14. You do not need to store with plastic wrap or stir it. There is no problem if you forgot to stir before its done. ( o ).

  15. I recommend to store it in the refrigerator..

  16. As you can see in the picture, the color has turned slightly off-white..

  17. This is my mothers 3 years-old Shio Koji The color turns darker like caramel. She makes hers with less water than me..

  18. It tends to be saltier when fresh, but the flavor will mellow with age. Please adjust the amount and marinating time..

  19. My mother says, "you dont have to be precise over something like salt.".

  20. I marinated and grilled salmon


  1. Grilled chicken wings for the side


  1. I made pickled vegetables:


  1. More pickled vegetables: If you chop the vegetables before pickling, you dont have to wash the Shio-koji.)


  1. I marinated a thick pork belly. If youre using tenderloin, score the meat before pickling.


  1. I marinated and grilled chicken wings.


For the unfamiliar, Shio Koji is a versatile seasoning made by fermenting and aging the mixture of malted rice, salt, and water.

Shio koji is primarily used as a marinade for poultry, meat, and seafood.

It's made by fermenting a mixture of grain koji (cooked grain, most commonly rice, that has been inoculated with Aspergillus Oryzae and then dried), salt, and water to create a porridge-textured product with a sweet, funky aroma.

As with other koji kin-derived ingredients like soy sauce and miso, shio koji lends savory.

Along with its use as a versatile, flavor-boosting marinade, shio koji can be blended and added to sauces to provide them with an extra umami boost.