Recipe: Appetizing Moist Cucumber Cake

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Recipe: Appetizing Moist Cucumber Cake
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Recipe: Appetizing Moist Cucumber Cake Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Moist Cucumber Cake. Priya Sreeram bakes a cucumber cake that turns out both moist, soft and refreshing. A trip to the Farmer's market and I came home armed with a bag full of cucumbers. Great recipe for Moist Cucumber Cake.

Don't add all the flour at once, or it will go flying all over the place.

If it won't mix in well in the blender, transfer the.

The texture of this unique cake is light, moist and soft, as most steamed cakes have.

You can have Moist Cucumber Cake using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Moist Cucumber Cake

  1. You need 200 grams of or so Cucumbers.

  2. It’s 3 of Eggs (yolks and whites divided).

  3. Prepare 150 grams of ★Cake flour.

  4. It’s 2 tsp of ★Baking powder.

  5. You need 3 tbsp of Honey.

  6. Prepare 1 tbsp of Lemon juice.

  7. You need 50 ml of Oil.

  8. Prepare 70 grams of Sugar.

  9. It’s 1 of Ama-natto.

Serve the cucumber cake plain or accompanied with some ghee or milk.

This recipe is a traditional recipe from the Goan belt and is called tavsali.

In this recipe the cake is steamed instead of baking it.

This delicate green cucumber cake tastes like a lemon sponge with a subtle, refreshing flavour from the cucumber.

Moist Cucumber Cake step by step

  1. Peel the cucumber roughly (its okay if there are some bits of skin left on), slice and microwave for 3 minutes..

  2. Put the cucumber in a blender and blend! When it turns into a juice, leave it to cool..

  3. Add the egg yolks, honey, lemon juice and oil to the blender, and blend! When everything is mixed together well, add the sifted ★ ingredients in 2 or 3 batches, blending between additions. Transfer the mixture to a bowl..

  4. Beat the egg whites. Add the sugar in 3 batches, and whip it until it becomes a meringue with stiff peaks..

  5. Add the meringue to the mixture from Step 3 in 2 batches, folding it in with a spatula each time..

  6. Pour the batter into a paper-lined cake pan. Add some of the batter, ama-natto, batter, amanatto, batter in that order. In the photo the ama-natto are on top, but they should be in the middle..

  7. Bake in a pre-heated 180°C oven for 60 minutes. If a bamboo skewer stuck in the middle comes out clean, its done (if it looks like the top is getting burned while baking, cover it with aluminum foil.).

  8. Take the cake out of the pan, and when it has cooled down a bit cover with plastic wrap until completely cooled. It definitely tastes a lot better after being rested for a day, so please be patient. This is how it looks just out of the oven..

  9. I tried making it with 200 g of pancake mix instead of cake flour. For this version I added vanilla essence instead of lemon juice. It had a different, fluffy texture. It tasted different too. It was delicious eaten the same day it was baked..

It's a summery cake and I've topped it with a gin icing.

The gin gives light botanical flavours to the sweet icing to compliment the lemon and cucumber in the cake.

You can make this easily by just mixing everything up in a blender except for the meringue.

Don't add all the flour at once, or it will go flying all over the place.

Add your chocolate chips and then pour into pan.