Recipe: Yummy emahs fried Mac and cheese

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Recipe: Yummy emahs fried Mac and cheese
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Recipe: Yummy emahs fried Mac and cheese Delicious, fresh and tasty.

emahs fried Mac and cheese. Dredge each Cheesy Mac portion in flour, then egg, and then bread crumbs to coat. Drain on paper towels before serving. Fill a pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling boil over high heat.

You can (and should) prepare the stovetop macaroni and cheese a few days ahead, since it will firm up in the refrigerator, for easier cutting.

Then follow a two-step breading process, using panko instead of regular breadcrumbs for a crust that's crisp yet light.

Drain and rinse with cold water and drain again.

You can have emahs fried Mac and cheese using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of emahs fried Mac and cheese

  1. It’s 1 of left over mac and cheese.

  2. You need 1 of flour.

  3. Prepare 1 of four eggs.

  4. It’s 1 of velveta cheese slices or use velveta block.

  5. It’s 1 of salt.

  6. It’s 1 of pepper.

  7. It’s 1 of oil.

You may now proceed with the recipe or refrigerate the cooked macaroni for a day or two until needed.

In a large bowl beat the eggs, salt and pepper with a fork until well mixed together.

Cut refrigerated macaroni and cheese into slices or bite size pieces.

Season the flour with cayenne, salt,and pepper.

emahs fried Mac and cheese step by step

  1. make mac and cheese put in fridge over night.

  2. pour some flour in a bowl.

  3. take cold Mac and cheese with ur hand shape into ball roll in flour then egg then in flour again add a small piece of cheese in the middle then reform your ball reflour if needed.

  4. put four eggs in a bowl mix with fork or wire whisk.

  5. heat grease on high then turn down a just a little.

  6. add your Mac and cheese balls to hot grease until brown.

  7. take balls out of grease put on plate with napkin then salt and pepper.

  8. done enjoy.

Dredge each piece through the flour mixture and gently tap off extra.

Dip in the egg wash and then coat with the bread crumbs.

Cook the macaroni according to package instructions.

Drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking.

In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.