Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji

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Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji
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Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji. Great recipe for Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji. I wanted to make a pork dish using shio-koji, and my mother had given me some meat to use as ginger pork or tonkatsu, so I tried making this version of ginger pork. It's best to brown the meat well.

I always make plenty of marinade.

When I was serving this one time, I poured too much of it over the pork and apologized but my family exclaimed, "it goes so well with the cabbage!" and loved it.

So ever since then, this has been.

You can cook Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji

  1. It’s 2 of pieces Pork roast meat.

  2. You need 1 tbsp of Shio-koji.

  3. It’s 1/2 piece of Ginger.

  4. It’s 1 tbsp of Mirin.

Shio koji is a fermented mixture of grain inoculated with mold (koji), water and salt that is used in marinades and brines.

Chef Ben Bebenroth of Cleveland's Spice Catering loves how it gives this pork shoulder recipe funky umami flavor, while also helping to tenderize the meat.

Miso, which also contains koji, is an easier-to-find substitute.

Serve with Ginger Pickled Carrots (see Associated.

Ginger Pork with Shio-Koji instructions

  1. Wash the ginger and grate into a plastic bag, peel and all. Add the shio-koji and rub over the bag to mix..

  2. Make some cuts along the grain in the pork. Cut off the fat if you like. Make sure you cut notches into any sinews..

  3. Put the pork into the plastic bag and rub the ingredients over the bag. Take out the air from the bag, close it up and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least an hour..

  4. When its time to cook, heat a pan (without oil) and sauté the pork on both sides until browned and cooked through..

  5. Drizzle the mirin and simmer over low heat until theres no liquid left in the pan. Turn off the heat before it burns, and it's done..

  6. Slice the meat into easy to eat pieces. This reduces the number of utensils you have to wash up too. Its also good with mayonnaise..

Combine shio koji, garlic, and ginger well.

Put the pork fillets and koji marinade together in a ziploc bag.

Massage the pork, making sure to squeeze all the air out of the bag.

Easy shio koji marinade gives wonderful umami flavor and amazingly tender texture to your everyday pork!

Course: Main Dish: Cuisine: Japanese: Prep Time: Cook Pork Belly.