Recipe: Yummy Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita

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Recipe: Yummy Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita
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Recipe: Yummy Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita. Hi and as salam o alaikum welcome to my youtube channel Dhaba Cooking Secrets, my name is Ahmad Ali and i live in the city of shrines Multan punjab Pakistan. Lauki ka Raita recipe with step by step photos. Dudhi Raita has the cooling effect and goodness of doodhi and protein-rich curds, in one single dish!

Any raita pairs very well with a pulao or biryani.

Also raitas go along as a good side dish with some dal-rice or with a chapati-sabzi combination.

Lauki ka raita is a Punjabi condiment that acts a coolant for the body during summers.

You can have Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita

  1. Prepare 1 of Small Kaddu.

  2. It’s 1 pinch of blackpepper.

  3. You need 1 pinch of Coriander powder.

  4. It’s As per taste of Salt.

  5. It’s 1 pinch of Red chilli powder.

  6. It’s 1 cup of Curd.

  7. It’s As required of Water.

  8. It’s As required of Mint leaf for garnishing.

Lauki raita is a condiment that hails from the state of Punjab, but is also prepared in Northern states of the country.

It is also known as doodhi raita in Gujarat and Maharashtra; and is a curd-based condiment with a few.

Comments posted by users for Kaddu/Lauki Ka Raita (Bottle-Gourd & Yogurt Sauce) کدو کا رائتہ recipe Lauki Raita Recipe is a perfect cooling recipe for making your body temperature cool.

The lauki raita recipe is prepared by crushing the lauki and adding it to the raita.

Kaddu/Lauki ka Raita instructions

  1. Take curd..

  2. Add in bowl and beat it..

  3. Now take kaddu..

  4. Grate it well.

  5. Add this mixture into the bowl and add little water and mix well..

  6. Now add salt, red chiili powder, Black pepper and Coriander powder and mix all well..

  7. Serve Chilled with rice, Dal and roti.

You can add different flavors to the Raita to make it delicious in taste.

Lauki raita is a refreshing yogurt-based dish made with spiced lauki and yogurt.

Lauki is also known as bottle gourd, doodhi, ghia.

Lauki raita is healthy and tastes delicious.

Serve this as a side dish with any Indian flat bread or over the rice.