Recipe: Appetizing ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆

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Recipe: Appetizing ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆
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Recipe: Appetizing ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆ Delicious, fresh and tasty.

☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆. ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆ The hot dog at my local deli is delicious, so I made it at home. It tastes great when you load it up with cabbage heavily seasoned with curry. The dog days are far from over.

I grill the sausage (jumbo hot dogs or bratwurst) and use ketchup mixed with curry.

For appearance I sprinkle a little bit of curry on top.

Serve it with a crips Kaiserroll and use toothpicks for eating.

You can have ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆ using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of ☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆

  1. You need 1 of Hot dog bun.

  2. It’s 1 of Wiener sausage.

  3. It’s 1 of to 2 leaves Cabbage.

  4. Prepare 1 of Vegetable oil.

  5. It’s 1 dash of Salt and pepper.

  6. Prepare 1 dash of Curry powder.

  7. It’s 1 of Mayonnaise.

  8. It’s 1 of Ketchup.

  9. It’s 1 dash of Parsley.

I submitted a photo which looks pretty authentic.

Spread mustard in the center of cabbage leaves, then top with caramelized onions, sauerkraut, and brats.

Fold the short ends of the cabbage leaves in, then tightly roll from one long end to the other.

This outbreak is a reminder that deli products, such as sliced meats and cheeses, can have Listeria bacteria.

☆ Deli Cabbage Curry Hot Dog ☆ step by step

  1. Make a slit in the bun. Cut the cabbage into 3-4 mm strips. Cut diagonal slits into the wiener..

  2. Heat oil in a frying pan. Cook the wiener and remove from the pan. Then, cook the cabbage, adding salt, pepper, and curry powder for flavor..

  3. Warm the bun and stuff the cabbage. Drizzle mayonnaise on top of the cabbage. Add the wiener and top with ketchup and parsley..

Are they weiners, frankfurters, coneys, weenies or just hot dogs?

No matter what you call them, you definitely know a great dog when you taste one.

Yes, there decidedly is, some tasters said.

This "dense" hot dog with a "small, well-shaped.

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