Easiest Way to Make Perfect Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu

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Easiest Way to Make Perfect Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu
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Easiest Way to Make Perfect Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu. The mayonnaise gives it a deep flavor. If you add some grated cheese, it's even more delicious. Great recipe for Low-Sugar Soft and Sweet Koya Dofu.

See great recipes for Low-Carb Crispy Koya Dofu Snack too!

They tend to burn easily, so pay attention after you turn them over.

Place over low heat and bring to a simmer.

You can cook Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu

  1. Prepare 2 large of pieces Koya dofu (freeze-dried tofu).

  2. You need 1 of Egg.

  3. It’s 15 grams of Mayonnaise.

  4. Prepare 1 dash of Salt and pepper.

Immediately remove the kombu and stir in the bonito flakes.

Add the freeze dried tofu, shiitake mushrooms, shishito peppers, sugar, soy sauce, sake, and salt.

Koya-dofu (also known as "kori tofu") is a traditional Japanese food dating back to ancient times.

It is highly nutritious and rich in protein, hence its fame as the "meat of the fields." By freezing fresh, uncooked tofu and then storing it in a refrigerator for a fixed period of time, the soy proteins are naturally denatured and matured.

Low Sugar Piccata-style Koya Dofu instructions

  1. Soak the koya dofu in water for about 10 minutes (so that the water seeps in all the way through). Use your hands to squeeze from top and bottom..

  2. Cut the koya dofu into 12 pieces and place in a plastic bag..

  3. Combine the egg, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper in a bowl..

  4. Pour the egg mixture into the bag from Step 2 and massage the egg mixture into the koya dofu through the bag..

  5. Line a dish with kitchen parchment paper and arrange the koya dofu on top. Heat uncovered at 600 W for 2 minutes. Flip over, then heat again at 600 W for a minute..

  6. Serve..

I wanted to share one of the most common, yet maybe not-so-famous Japanese dish, Koya Tofu (高野豆腐, read "Koya-Dofu")which is a freeze-dried tofu that is cooked in a sweet and salty broth.

You might have seen this in a small side dish or a bento box and the traditional recipe is PRETTY SWEET.

The mayonnaise gives it a deep flavor.

If you add some grated cheese, it's even more delicious.

Koya Tofu is a preserved food made by freezing, aging and drying tofu made from soybeans.