Easiest Way to Make Tasty Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks

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Easiest Way to Make Tasty Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks
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Easiest Way to Make Tasty Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks. Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks This is a recipe for a snack made with koya (freeze-dried) tofu that I love. Use a thick plastic bag (I use resealable zip-lock bags) when soaking the tofu. They burn easily, so adjust the time and temperature to suit your oven.

Soak the koya tofu in water to reconstitute, then squeeze out any excess water.

Use a thick plastic bag (I use resealable zip-lock bags) when soaking the tofu.

They burn easily, so adjust the time and temperature to suit your oven.

You can cook Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks using 5 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks

  1. You need 2 of Koya tofu.

  2. Prepare 1 tbsp of Instant coffee.

  3. It’s 1 tbsp of Sugar.

  4. You need 2 tbsp of Soy milk (or milk).

  5. It’s 1 of Cinnamon (optional).

It is thicker than "Shimi Tofu"or "Koori Tofu", which means freeze dried tofu in Northern part from Koshinetsu area.

This is very suitable for utilizing the thickness such as meat filling dishes or deep fry sandwiches by Koya tofu.

Koya tofu (also known as "kori tofu") is a traditional Japanese food dating back to ancient times.

It is highly nutritious and rich in protein, hence its fame as the "meat of the fields." By freezing fresh, uncooked tofu and then storing it in a refrigerator for a fixed period of time, the soy proteins are naturally denatured and matured.

Cappuccino Koya (Freeze-Dried) Tofu Snacks instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Put the coffee, sugar, and soy milk (or milk) into a heat-resistant cup and microwave to dissolve the sugar..

  2. Soak the koya tofu in water to reconstitute, then squeeze out any excess water..

  3. Cut into 3-5 mm slices. Cut as thinly as possible..

  4. Transfer into a thick plastic bag..

  5. Pour in the coffee mixture, then press down on the bag to evenly soak the tofu..

  6. Lay on a baking tray lined with parchment paper..

  7. Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste. Bake in oven for 10 to 15 minutes at 160°C. Turn over and bake the other side for 10 more minutes..

  8. Theyre crispy and aromatic..

  9. I made them in the microwave! Microwave each side for 3 minutes (at 500 W), for a total of 6 minutes..

See this product used in one of our recipes: Chilled Vegan Koya Tofu Koya tofu (also known as Kouri Tofu "ice tofu") is a traditional Japanese food dating back to ancient times.

Use a thick plastic bag (I use resealable zip-lock bags) when soaking the tofu.

They burn easily, so adjust the time and temperature to suit your oven.

Koya dofu is freeze dried and sold as a dried food product.

It kind of looks like one of those sponges that you put into water to reconstitute.