Recipe: Tasty Chia kheer with chocolate Dia

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Recipe: Tasty Chia kheer with chocolate Dia
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Recipe: Tasty Chia kheer with chocolate Dia Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chia kheer with chocolate Dia. Kheer is one popular Indian sweet which is atleast made once for any festive occasion but do you know, apart from regular rice kheer there are many. Get a perfect dietician recipe with a check on the calories and also a treat to your sweet tooth. If you're on this page, you're either leading a healthy.

Kheer is my favorite Indian dessert, but it's not a good choice for those of us who are lactose intolerant or vegan, so I created a vegan version of Kheer.

If you are watching blood sugar levels, please omit raisins and use a low-GI sweetener such as coconut nectar or stevia. ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ What is Kheer?

Darn, I was hoping you could tell me… one sec, let me Google it… Alright, what I found out is that it is a rice pudding made by boiling rice or broken wheat with milk and sugar, and flavored with cardamom, raisins, saffron, and either cashews, pistachios or.

You can have Chia kheer with chocolate Dia using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chia kheer with chocolate Dia

  1. It’s of Ghee.

  2. You need of chia seeds.

  3. You need of condensed milk.

  4. Prepare of mawa.

  5. It’s of Cardamom powder.

  6. Prepare of desiccated coconut/milk powder.

  7. It’s of Melted dark chocolate.

  8. Prepare of Sliced almonds.

Chocolate Kheer Recipe - Kheer is the classic Indian dessert that is often cooked during festivals or special occasions.

It is in true sense the dessert cooked in almost all the parts of But there is one ingredient that goes really well with kheer as well: Nutella!

You have to try the nutella flavored kheer.

Chocolate Kheer is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Dessert.

Chia kheer with chocolate Dia step by step

    1. For chia seeds kheer. In small pan take milk and chia seeds boiled for 10 minutes than add condensed milk and cordamom powder.
  1. Melt the dark chocolate to Double boiler method or microwave for 30 seconds.

  2. Combine together ghee, mawa milk powder and cardamom powder than add melted chocolate Mix everything together..

  3. Let this mixture cool for 30 minutes. 
 After 30 minutes divide the chocolate mix into small portioned balls. Out of each ball, make a diya or shape them into diya.

    1. Chia seeds kheer place in to the diyas like ghee or oil.
  4. Take sliced almonds and place it to resemble heat.

    1. Your healthy delicious chia seeds kheer with chocolate dia..

Find the complete instructions on Bawarchi.

Put remaining milk to boil with sugar.

Chocolate Chia Pudding is an easy & healthy breakfast recipe that tastes like chocolate.

Chia Seeds PuddingTea Time Recipes Recipes Healthy Yummy.

Why You Should Put Chia Seeds In Healthy Smoothies.