Recipe: Delicious Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu

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Recipe: Delicious Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu
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Recipe: Delicious Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu. Great recipe for Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu. A typical dish in the macrobiotic diet. Use koya tofu with a chewy texture without a leavening agent.

It's a long lasting pantry staple of most Japanese households.

They look like dehydrated squares of bread, or one of.

Koya-dofu (kōya-dōfu, 高野豆腐 in Japanese) also known as Shimi-dofu, Kori-dofu, or Koyasan-dofu is frozen-dried tofu, a Japanese pantry staple and an important ingredient in Buddhist vegetarian cookery.

You can have Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu

  1. You need 3 slice of Koya Tofu.

  2. It’s 150 ml of Macrobiotic dashi stock.

  3. Prepare 20 ml of Soy sauce.

  4. Prepare 1 of Flour.

  5. Prepare 1 of Panko.

  6. Prepare 1 of Vegetable-based oil (for frying).

It is made of soy, coagulants, and baking soda.

It looks like a hard sponge and needs to be soaked before use.

It is mainly used in stews and soups.

Freeze-Dried Tofu (Koya-dofu) This is a reserved food which was born from the daily life and wisdom of the priests under the Koyasan's shivering cold and strict life-style.

Kouya Freeze-Dried Tofu Katsu step by step

  1. Rehydrate the koya tofu in hot water. If its the type that doesn't need to be rehydrated, follow the instructions on the package. Make sure you use kouya tofu that doesn't have leavening agent in the ingredient list..

  2. Slice the koya tofu in half lengthwise, then cut into half widthwise..

  3. Combine the dashi soup stock and soy sauce, and simmer the kouya tofu in it to season. Boil down the dashi stock until it has completely evaporated. Its done if the dashi stock seeps out when you press down on the kouya tofu..

  4. Dredge the koya tofu in flour, then with panko. If the koya tofu has dried out, coat in a flour slurry. Fry up in hot oil..

Also, this dish is what made Koyasan's name known all over the country.

Sesame Tofu (Goma-dofu) This vegetarian food is a highly nutritious part of vegetarian cooking..

Tonkatsu, a fried pork cutlet, is a very popular dish in Japan.

Imagine my surprise when I opened up The Asian Vegan Kitchen by Hema Parekh and saw its fatty fried vegan twin staring back at me!

You use freeze dried tofu (called "koyadofu") which gives it a nice texture when rehydrated.