Recipe: Perfect #Chocolate kheer

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Recipe: Perfect #Chocolate kheer
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Recipe: Perfect #Chocolate kheer Delicious, fresh and tasty.

#Chocolate kheer.

You can have #Chocolate kheer using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of #Chocolate kheer

  1. Prepare of small cup Rice.

  2. It’s of Milk.

  3. Prepare of Cocoa powder.

  4. Prepare of Malt powder.

  5. You need of Melted chocolate.

  6. You need of Cashew, choco chips and 1cherry fo'garnishing.

#Chocolate kheer step by step

  1. Firstly wash and soak the rice in water fo' half an hour.

  2. Boil milk in a heavy bottom pan (firstly u have to put 1liter milk, rest of the milk keep aside and will add in between while cooking process).. put soaked rice by slightly crush or broke with hand.

  3. Let it to cook for minimum 30 minutes on slow heat..keep on stirring in between.. Add cocoa powder, malt powder and melted chocolate (microwave 30-30seconds twice) and give a good mix.. Chocolaty aroma start rising.

  4. Add sugar and a pinch of salt to highlight the flavours.. Cook 5 minutes more.. Check the consistency of kheer.. Add milk if desired.. Consistency of the kheer should semi thicken and rice and milk shouldn't seems to be seprate- seprate..sprinkle cardamom powder, stir and switch off the flame.

  5. Yo'r chocolate kheer is now done.

  6. Transfer in a fancy glass bowl.. Garnish cashews, chco chips and decorate one cherry in the center.

  7. Serve hot or chilled as u like or according weather.