Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka

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Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka
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Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka. Tuwo Shinkafa is a northern Nigerian fufu recipe that is prepared with the soft rice variety. It is usually served with Northern Nigerian soups: Miyan Kuka, Miyan Taushe etc. It also goes well with other Nigerian soups.

Ki gyara shinkafan tuwon ki tas ki jikata tun safe.

Da yamma ki zubar da ruwan kisa wani ki kara wanketa tas.

Ki zuba ruwa da yawa a tukunya ki dora akan wuta.

You can cook Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka

  1. Prepare 4 cups of rice.

  2. Prepare 12 pieces of ram meat.

  3. It’s 10 mls of palm oil.

  4. It’s of Onion.

  5. You need 4 pieces of bonnet.

  6. You need 6 of seasoning cubes.

  7. It’s 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

  8. You need 3 of medium size locust beans.

  9. It’s 1/4 of grounded black pepper.

  10. It’s 1/4 of grounded jinger.

  11. It’s of Kukar miya (powder).

Sai ki zuba shinkafan ki barsu taita nuna.

Add Tuwon Shinkafa and Tuwon Masara to the list, and I think that pretty sums up the knowledge about Northern Cuisine for many people.

Despite having a grandma who grew up in the North and spoke Hausa very fluently, Tuwon Shinkafa was the only Northern food I grew up eating.

My indigenous tuwon sinkafa is prepared with non-parboiled white rice, it is a swallow and is usually eaten with miyan kuka, miyan taushe. https://www.anamic.

Tuwon shinkafa miyar kuka step by step

  1. Wash the rice and soak in water for an hour. Put water in pot and put on the fire, when it starts boiling add the soaked rice and let it cook, when it is done use your (muciya) wooden to stir it until you it is well moulded, reduce the flam and cover with the pot lid to let it steam, after 7-10minutes bring down the pot and stir again, now you mould it to the desired shape and save..

  2. Wash the ram meat, chop your bonnet and onion put them together in a pot, add palm oil, black pepper and jinger, fry for some times and add some water to the ingredients, now pound your locust beans and add to the pot, add you seasoning cubes and salt, cover the pot and let it cook..

  3. Use (bulogari) whisker and add small at a time powder of kukar miya and whisk untill you have gotten the desired thickness, but before you whisk you remove the meat from the stock and keep aside, after the soup is thicken you return the meat and let it cook for 3-5minutes. Ready for serving..

Tuwo shinkafa is a Nigerian dish which originates from the north of Nigeria, popular among the Hausa.

It is typically prepared using non parboiled white rice.

It can also be prepared using rice flour, but this recipe shows the traditional method of using rice.

Tuwo shinkafa is enjoyed with a variety of soups such as miyan kuka.

For today's menu, Jamila prepares the most delicious-looking and tasting Tuwon Masara da Miyar Kuka we've come across.