Recipe: Tasty Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha)

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Recipe: Tasty Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha)
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Recipe: Tasty Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha). কাঁঠালের পিঠা-কাঁঠালের কেক-Jackfruit Cake-Jackfruit-Kathaler Pitha-No Butter, No Egg Cake Recipe. Cake. Сладкая жизнь с Юлией Шевчук. Jackfruit pancake Jackfruit dosha panasa pitha It's a sweet and tender dish made out of ripe jackfruit puree, it's so tasty as well as super healthy too.

In Andhra its popular as Panasa Biryani.

Tender raw jackfruit, called Panasakaya in Telugu and Kathal in Hindi, is an exotic vegetable in India and is considered as vegetarian meat because of.

Jackfruit Cake is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Dessert.

You can have Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha) using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha)

  1. It’s of Rice flour.

  2. Prepare of Semolina.

  3. It’s of Jaggery or Sugar.

  4. It’s of Milk.

  5. It’s of Ripe Jackfruit.

  6. You need of Cow ghee.

Find the complete instructions on Bawarchi.

Sieve flour and baking powder together.

Separate egg yolks and white, beat the egg whites till stiff.

See great recipes for Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha) too!

Jackfruit Cake(Panasa Podapitha) step by step

  1. Grind ripe Jackfruit and milk. Make it a smooth paste..

  2. Now mix all the ingredients properly with the Jackfruit and milk mixture,except ghee..

  3. Pre heat the microwave.Take a pot greased it with ghee. Pour the batter in it..

  4. Bake it in the microwave in conversation mode, or else you can make it in non stick frying pan..

Podapitha is a sweet delicacy of Odisha,which is made out of rice and black gram.

But here I have made with Jackfruit.

Recipe adapted from Maneet Chauhan, Chauhan Ale & Masala House, Nashville, TN.

Jackfruit Biryani - Kathal ki Biryani - Jackfruit Recipes - Panasa. · Jackfruit adds a flaky texture to these vegan "crab" cakes, made rich with tofu or white beans for a soy-free option.

A healthy dry sabzi, Panasa Pottu Pappu Koora is made of raw jackfruit and moong dal with a simple spice tempering.