Recipe: Perfect Potato porridge 2

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Recipe: Perfect Potato porridge 2
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Recipe: Perfect Potato porridge 2 Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Potato porridge 2. Directions for making the Potato Porridge. Put the cubes of potatoes into a pot. Add the pork bits if using it, black pepper, crayfish, some of the onions, the homemade stock (or seasoning cubes), palm oil and pour water to just under the level of the potatoes.

Potatoes are a great substitute for african yams in many recipes and this luscious potato pottage is one of them.

Bring to the boil over a high heat.

Mix potatoes with different type of colors,mix pan fried vegetables and beancurd with Chinese parsley.

You can cook Potato porridge 2 using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Potato porridge 2

  1. Prepare of Potatoes.

  2. Prepare of tarugu.

  3. It’s of Albasa.

  4. You need of Seasonings and salt.

  5. You need of Carrot.

  6. Prepare of Egg.

  7. Prepare of Pease.

  8. Prepare of Green beans.

  9. Prepare of Green paper.

  10. Prepare of Vegetable oil.

  11. You need of Ram meat.

  12. It’s of Citta da tafarnuwa.

Rice flour porridge with sweet potato ball.

Rice flour, Tapioca flour, Sweet potato, Coconut milk, Brown sugar (better use coconut sugar), Water, Salt This sweet potato porridge is simple, spectacular, flavorful and mouthwatering.

It is a family favorite for brunch, lunch, or dinner.

This healthy and easy-to-make sweet potato porridge has it all.

Potato porridge 2 instructions

  1. Ki zuba namanki a tukunya ki tafasa.

  2. Saiki soya saiki zuba ruwa kaman 3 cup qarami.

  3. Ki zuba cefanenki da vegies dinki a tare idan ya tafaso saiki juya idan ya fara taushi.

  4. Saiki zuba dankali.

  5. Saiki tafasa kwai daban.

  6. Saiki bare shi ki zuba cikin dankalin su idasa tare.

  7. Serve with zobo or kunun aya.

It's oil-free, sweet, a little bit crunchy, a little bit salty and oh-so filling.

I just love sweet potato and adding it to my oatmeal porridge was definitely a great idea!


It'll quickly become a favorite though!

It's easy to whip up in a few minutes — yes, even faster than toast.