Recipe: Delicious Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi

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Recipe: Delicious Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi
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Recipe: Delicious Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi. Dahiwali Moong Dal Khichdi has the lingering flavour of curds and an inherent simplicity and lightness that make it very appealing. It makes a soothing yet refreshing meal when served with sweet and tangy onion-tomato kachumber. Made with rice, yellow moong dal and curds, along with everyday spices.

Made with rice, yellow moong dal and curds, along with everyday spices.

How to make Moong Ki Khichdi Recipe.

To begin preparing the Moong Ki Khichdi With Palak Ki Kadhi, soak the whole moong, basmati Rice, chana dal and moong daal together in a mixing bowl with water for an hour.

You can have Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi using 16 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi

  1. You need of medium size chopped Onion.

  2. It’s of chopped tomato.

  3. Prepare of garlic cloves chopped.

  4. Prepare of Curry leaves.

  5. Prepare of Capsicum & other vegetables (as per choice).

  6. You need of Cinnamon stick.

  7. Prepare of cumin seeds.

  8. You need of Red chilli powder.

  9. You need of garam masala.

  10. Prepare of Turmeric powder.

  11. Prepare of Salt.

  12. It’s of -Dahi /.

  13. It’s of buttermilk plain.

  14. Prepare of Oil.

  15. You need of Ghee.

  16. It’s of Prepared Normal basic khichdi (depends).

Heat a cooker with ghee and add cloves, cumin seeds and mustard seeds.

Sabut moong dal khichdi is a simple one pot dish of whole green gram dal and rice.

Khichdi is one of my favorite dishes not only for its simplicity but also because it is wholesome and nutritious.

Whole green gram legume is rich in proteins and fiber and when combined with rice as in this recipe, makes for a complete meal.

Dahiwali mung daal Khichdi step by step

  1. In a pan heat oil add cumin seeds. And curry leaves, now add garlic and fry them untill crisp & brown. Now add onions let it cook and add other vegetables. Now add all the spices, red chilli powder, salt, garam masala. Add masala for only vegetables part as we have already added all the ingredients in the khichdi..

  2. Now add buttermilk into it and stir for 5 mins and add prepared mung daal can use curd also. But beat it properly &add water after adding. But buttermilk is easy way..

  3. Cook for 5 mins and add ghee on top. And serve it with onions, pickle & papad..

Indians love curd and it blends beautifully into Dahiwala Moong Dal Khichdi.

For a quick khichdi and corn lovers, a must try is Makai Khichdi.

Love brinjal then try the zero oil Brinjal Onion Khichdi.

Ek Toap Na Dal Bhaat Quinoa moong dal khichdi is a healthy and low-carb dinner with quinoa, moong dal, and vegetables.

Quinoa and moong dal together make a filling and tasty dinner.