Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan

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Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan
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Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan. Mizu yokan with delightful chestnut inside red bean jelly, this easy and chilled Japanese sweet is perfect to enjoy on hot days. Often enjoyed during the summer days, Mizu yokan, a chilled Japanese red bean jelly with chestnut is a traditional sweet in Japan. Sugar can also be replaced with honey, dark brown sugar, or molasses to alter the taste of the yōkan produced.

The perfect accompaniment to a cup of green tea.

Taste the flavours of Autumn with this sweet potato yokan dessert recipe.

As traditional as Japanese desserts come, this sweet treat combines sweet.

You can cook Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan using 13 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan

  1. It’s 400 grams of Sweet potato, peeled.

  2. You need 20 grams of Sugar.

  3. Prepare 1 pinch of Salt.

  4. It’s 80 grams of Sweetened chestnuts, shelled (See recipe below. Store bought is fine).

  5. You need 2 grams of ☆ Kanten powder.

  6. You need 100 ml of ☆ Milk.

  7. You need 50 ml of ☆ Syrup from the sweetened chestnuts.

  8. You need of Sweetened chestnuts.

  9. You need 80 grams of Chestnuts, shelled and skinned.

  10. You need 120 ml of Water.

  11. It’s 40 grams of Sugar.

  12. It’s 1 pinch of Salt.

  13. It’s 1 tsp of Mirin.

Imo is potato and yokan is a type of Japanese confection.

The sweet Mizu Yokan is a Japanese jellied dessert made of bean paste, agar, and sugar.

There are several flavors of Yokan in Japan.

Peel the sweet potatoes, cut in pieces and boil until soft.

Chestnut and Sweet Potato Yokan step by step

  1. Peel the sweet potatoes, slice into 1-1.5 cm half moons, then soak in water for about 10 minutes..

  2. Drain the sweet potatoes (they can be wet), put in a heat-resistant dish, cover loosely in plastic wrap, then microwave for 6-7 minutes at 600W..

  3. The sweet potatoes are done when a skewer pierced into the center comes out clean. Pass the sweet potatoes through a sieve to purée. This step is tedious, but essential to the taste of this dish, so persevere!.

  4. Roughly chop chestnuts into 5 mm cubes..

  5. Heat milk, the syrup from the chestnuts, and kanten in a pan, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 2 minutes while stirring. Dissolve the kanten powder while simmering..

  6. Add sugar and salt and mix well until they have dissolved. Remove from heat, add puréed sweet potato, then knead together..

  7. Fold in the chopped chestnuts, fill a mold with the mixture, wrap in plastic wrap, then press with a flat object, as if you were making pressed sushi..

  8. When it cools down, chill it in the refrigerator. After 2 or 3 hours, after it is well-chilled and set, remove from the mold, cut into desired sizes, then serve..

  9. To make the sweet chestnuts: Soak shelled and skinned chestnuts in water. Put in a sauce pan, add water, sugar, and salt, then heat..

  10. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat. Add mirin and simmer for 5 more minutes (without a lid) and allow to cool in the pan..

  11. I used a 4.5 cm by 34 cm half moon mold. For molds without removable bottoms, I recommend lining the mold with plastic wrap..

  12. They also turn out great pressed in a rose-shaped silicon mold! If you have silicon molds, give it a try..

Mush or push through a tamis (recommended) while the potatoes are hot.

Melt the agar powder in the water.

Sweet Potato Kintoki. - - Japan import.

Mizu Yokan is a traditional Japanese dessert, or wagashi, as it is known in Japanese cuisine.

Yokan is a general term which refers to this jelly dessert made of red azuki beans, agar, and sugar.