Recipe: Tasty Edikang ikong soup

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Recipe: Tasty Edikang ikong soup
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Recipe: Tasty Edikang ikong soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Edikang ikong soup. Before you prepare Edikang Ikong Soup. Pick, rinse and chop the vegetables. Grind the crayfish, chop or pound the pepper in a mortar.

The Nigerian Edikang Ikong soup or simply Vegetable Soup is native to the Efiks, people from Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria.

It is a general notion that the Edikang Ikong soup is very nutritious and this is very much so.

Prepared with a generous quantity of pumpkin leaves and water leaves, this Nigerian soup recipe is nourishing in.

You can have Edikang ikong soup using 16 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Edikang ikong soup

  1. You need leaf of Water.

  2. You need of Ugwu.

  3. You need of Scotch bonnet.

  4. You need of Onions.

  5. Prepare of Crayfish.

  6. Prepare of Shrimps.

  7. You need of Offal.

  8. It’s of Ram meat.

  9. It’s of Stock fish.

  10. It’s of Dry fish.

  11. It’s of Pomo.

  12. You need of Palm oil.

  13. Prepare cubes of Seasoning.

  14. You need of Cayenne pepper.

  15. Prepare of Ginger and garlic paste.

  16. You need of Locust beans.

Edikang Ikong soup kindles the same visual impression as afang soup albeit a bit dryer with a comparatively milder but intense and nuanced vegetable and seafood umami flavor.

This soup is almost exclusively eaten with a fufu or other form of 'swallow' (another local slang for any of the collection of local starch-based mounds eaten as a.

Edikang Ikong is not a watery soup, so you have to go easy on the meat stock.

Edikang Ikong / Edikaikong soup is a nutritious Nigerian soup recipe made with a generous amount of fresh lea f y vegetables, dried fish and assorted meat.

Edikang ikong soup instructions

  1. Wash and cut both vegetables separately add little salt to the ugwu leaf and squeeze out the juice from it then set the leaf aside and also the washed water leaf..

  2. Cook all your meat, pomo, shrimps and fish then set them aside..

  3. Put your pan on fire add your water leaf and cook it but dont add water after few minutes add the ugwu leaf and continue to cook them..

  4. Cook for like three minutes then add your pounded pepper and onions stir then add your palm oil, mix everything and continue to cook..

  5. Add all your cooked meat, shrimps,pomo and fish add also your crayfish stir and add your seasoning cubes, add your cayenne pepper, pounded locust beans, ginger and garlic paste and check if your seasoning is ok simmer for few minutes and its done.

It is actually one of the native soups of the South-southern states( Efiks ) of Nigeria( Cross River and Akwa Ibom states.

This is the recipe for a very popular southern Nigeria soup called Edikang Ikong.

Have a taste of southern Nigeria by trying this recipe out.

Remove soup from fire. …Now food is ready!

Your own delicious and tasty Edikang Ikong soup is now ready to be served with Eba, Fufu or Pounded Yam.