Recipe: Delicious Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls

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Recipe: Delicious Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls
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Recipe: Delicious Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls. These dinner rolls are very very fluffy, soft and chewy. If you follow the recipe you will not be disappointed. This is a recipe for dinner rolls or some may.

My absolute favourite bread still remains my quick Ciabatta, but these Chestnut Bread Rolls are a must-try addition to your holiday menu.

Make Hokkaido style milk bread rolls with this simple recipe.

These milk bread rolls are super soft, airy, moist, and slightly sweet.

You can cook Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls using 11 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls

  1. Prepare 200 grams of Bread (strong) flour.

  2. It’s 20 grams of Sugar.

  3. Prepare 3 grams of Salt.

  4. Prepare 4 grams of Instant dry yeast.

  5. You need 20 grams of Butter.

  6. It’s 1 tbsp of The syrup from chestnuts simmered in their skins.

  7. You need 100 of to 120 grams, chestnuts only Chestnuts simmered in their skins.

  8. It’s 1/2 tbsp of ☆Black tea leaves.

  9. You need 120 ml of ☆Milk.

  10. You need 50 ml of ☆Water.

  11. Prepare 1 dash of Milk (to brush on the rolls).

The dinner rolls will come out fluffy, airy, and slightly sweet.

These Japanese milk bread rolls are pillowy soft and fluffy and stay that way for days without any preservatives by using a technique known as the tangzhong Japanese milk bread is also known as Hokkaido milk bread.

Hokkaido is a prefecture in Japan famous for their rich and creamy milk.

Fluffy milk bread rolls topped with melted butter and a sprinkling of sea salt flakes.

Chestnut and Milk Tea Bread Rolls step by step

  1. Put the ☆ steps milk and water in a small pan, and heat. When it comes to a boil add the tea leaves, and simmer until the mixture is strongly tea flavored. (Please adjust the amount of tea leaves used depending on the type.).

  2. Take out 140 ml of the liquid from step 1, and let it cool down to about body temperature. If there isnt enough liquid, add milk up to the 140 ml mark. If there's more than you need, just drink up the remainder..

  3. Put the bread flour, sugar, salt and dry yeast in a bowl. Add the milk tea from step 2 and the syrup from the chestnuts. Mix well..

  4. When it has more or less come together, add the butter and mix it in too. When it has formed a cohesive mass, take the dough out onto a work surface and knead well with your hands. Knead for at least 10 minutes..

  5. When the dough comes off the work surface cleanly and is nice and shiny its done. Round it off into a ball, place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave for the 1st rising..

  6. When the dough had doubled in volume, punch it down to deflate it. Round it off again, cover with a tightly wrung out moistened kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and rest for 10 minutes..

  7. Chop up the chestnuts simmered in their skins to about 5mm dices..

  8. Roll out with a rolling pin to about a 25x25cm square. Scatter the chopped up chestnuts on the dough evenly. Roll up the dough from the side closest to you, trying to avoid creating any air pockets..

  9. Cut into 8 portions with a knife. Line the slices in pairs on a kitchen parchment paper-lined baking sheet, so that the rolled up ends are sticking together (like figure-8s)..

  10. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until they are 1.5 times their original volume. Brush the surface thinly with milk, and bake in a preheated 180°C oven for 20 minutes..

  11. Cool the baked rolls on a cooling rack. When they have cooled down, theyre done..

They're excellent for soaking up any What to do with milk bread rolls?

These rolls are soft and fluffy fresh from the oven.

The sprinkling of salt makes them very tasty and addicting.

Enjoy Downton Abbey Lavender Tea Bread (tea loaf) recipe for your next "tea," along wtih pictures and stories from Highclere Castle, Hampshire, England.

These cinnamon rolls are utterly delicious and worth the time it takes to make them.