Recipe: Appetizing Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes

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Recipe: Appetizing Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes
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Recipe: Appetizing Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes. Kuri Kinton or Candied Chestnuts and Sweet Potatoes are a special Japanese New Year dish, which symbolizes economic fortune and wealth. For the final post on the Osechi Ryori (Japanese New Year Meal) series, I am sharing another popular dish called Kuri Kinton (Candied Chestnuts with Sweet. Place sweet potatoes in a food processor then mash it.

I love sweet potato and chestnuts, but I don't think I've ever had the two together.

Kuri kinton is a sweeter osechi ryori dish, made by combining mashed satsuma imo (Japanese sweet potatoes) with candied chestnuts.

Once made, the dish has a distinct golden yellow colour, which symbolises wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

You can cook Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes

  1. You need 660 grams of Sweet potatoes (Anno-imo variety).

  2. Prepare 10 of pieces Chestnuts in syrup (store-bought).

  3. Prepare 2 of Gardenia seeds.

  4. You need 50 ml of ※ Candied Japanese chestnut syrup.

  5. You need 50 ml of ※ Mirin.

  6. You need 50 ml of ※ Water from boiling the sweet potatoes.

This makes kuri kinton a particularly important New.

Kuri Kinton is a well known Japanese dish comprised of mashed sweet potato with sweet chestnuts.

This time, I will introduce how to make "Kurikinton" which is served in New Year's Festival.

Kuri Kinton is sweet chestnuts mixed in mashed sweet potatoes.

Easy! Kuri Kinton (Chestnut and Sweet Potato Paste) Made with Annoh-Imo Potatoes instructions

  1. Peel the potatoes rather thickly and soak in water for 10 minutes..

  2. Wash the potatoes well under running water and put in a pan. Fill with a water to cover 1 cm above. Next, add crushed gardenia seeds put into an empty tea bag..

  3. Boil until they can be poked through easily with a skewer. Reserve the broth in another container and discard the gardenia seeds..

  4. Blend the still-hot potatoes and the ingredients marked ※ in a food processor until smooth..

  5. Soften the mixture to your liking by adding potato broth. Mix in the candied chestnuts and its done..

  6. I used this in my Osechi (the New Years feast) (see picture)..

It is a part of Osechi Ryori, the The sweet potatoes used here are Japanese sweet potatoes that have purple skin and white flesh Stir constantly and cook at low heat to make a paste.

While it is still loose, add Mirin and chestnuts.

This video will show you how to make Kuri Kinton, sweet chestnuts mixed in mashed sweet potatoes.

It is a part of Osechi Ryori, the traditional Japanese new.

Kuri kinton is a traditional Japanese meal consisting of mashed sweet potatoes and chestnuts in chestnut syrup and mirin.