How to Cook Delicious Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar

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How to Cook Delicious Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar
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How to Cook Delicious Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar. This quick pudding with agar-agar is one of my favorites. Layer lotus or parle biscuits soaked with black coffee in a square or rectangular serving tray. Agar can be use to make jellies, mango mousse, or any other moussse, in no bake cheesecakes or no bake desserts that don't need to be cooked. #Shanzz Kitchen#BRead Pudding #Agar Agar.

It is perfect for hot summer days.

This will be your kids favorite.

Now heat gently till the agar agar melts.

You can cook Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar

  1. It’s 150 grams of Chestnut Paste.

  2. It’s 400 ml of Milk.

  3. You need 50 grams of Raw cane sugar.

  4. It’s 2 tsp of Agar.

  5. It’s 1 dash of Almond extract.

  6. You need 1 of splash Rum.

  7. It’s 1 of Maple syrup.

Add coco powder, mix Cut agar agar into small strips in case if its a big sheet like.

Measure and take agar agar in a sauce pan,add water to it.

Agar Agar known as China grass in India is a vegetable gelatin used for making pudding.

China grass pudding has glossy appearance and feels like jelly.

Marron Chestnut Pudding with Agar instructions

  1. Before anything else, mix the raw cane sugar and agar together well and leave to one side. (Adjust the amount of sugar depending on the sweetness of the chestnut paste that you are using.).

  2. Add the milk to a pan along with the mixture from Step 1, mix well and put on the heat. Be careful that the mixture doesnt boil over and stir on a low heat. Allow the mixture to boil a little..

  3. Stop the heat and mix in the chestnut paste thoroughly..

  4. Add in the almond essence and rum..

  5. Pour the mixture evenly into containers and once cooled, chill and set in the refrigerator..

  6. Serve with maple syrup if you like to finish..

Now boil the agar agar along with soaked water.

Put off the flame after the agar agar has melted completely.

Agar Jelly with Fruits Agar agar jelly with fruits.

Agar is a vegan jello derive from seaweeds.

It has a firm and crunchy texture. · Easy to make, creamy, luscious and vegetarian mango pudding recipe made with agar agar.