Recipe: Tasty Dal Khichdi

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Recipe: Tasty Dal Khichdi
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Recipe: Tasty Dal Khichdi Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Dal Khichdi. Khichdi also known as khichadi or khichuri is a comfort food that's most commonly eaten all over India. Most people refer khichdi to be the food for babies and the sick as it is bland in taste. But a well-made khichdi is very delicious, protein packed, healthy and nourishing.

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Dal Khichdi is Indian lentil and rice, wholesome one-pot meal.

You can make khichdi in Instant pot pressure cooker, or rice cooker.

You can have Dal Khichdi using 34 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Dal Khichdi

  1. Prepare of basmati rice.

  2. Prepare of moong dal.

  3. You need of arhar or tur dal.

  4. You need of turmeric.

  5. You need of salt.

  6. It’s of oil.

  7. Prepare of bay leaf.

  8. You need of cinnamon.

  9. You need of cloves.

  10. It’s of peppercorns.

  11. It’s of mustard seeds.

  12. Prepare of cumin seeds.

  13. Prepare of hing or asafoetida.

  14. You need of curry leaves.

  15. You need of potato.

  16. Prepare of onion.

  17. Prepare of tomato.

  18. Prepare of ginger paste.

  19. You need of garlic paste.

  20. It’s of green chilli paste.

  21. You need of turmeric.

  22. You need of red chilli powder.

  23. It’s of coriander powder.

  24. Prepare of garam masala.

  25. Prepare of Salt.

  26. Prepare of Tadka -.

  27. You need of ghee.

  28. You need of finely chopped garlic.

  29. It’s of dried red chilli.

  30. Prepare of mustard seeds.

  31. You need of cumin seeds.

  32. Prepare of hing or asafoetida asafetida.

  33. It’s of curry leaves.

  34. Prepare of red chilli powder.

Khichdi Recipe with step by step photos.

Dal Khichdi is a light and comforting dish made with rice and moong dal.

Moong dal khichdi is easy to digest & healthy. you can serve moong dal khichdi with curd or an accompanying raita or papad. khichdi recipe

kichadi recipe with step by step photo and video recipe. it is perhaps one of the most common and popular rice and lentil based dish across india, pakistan, nepal and bangladesh. having said that each region has its own variation to it. one can add veggies, or top it up with extra spice powder and even add combination of toor and moong.

Dal Khichdi step by step

  1. Wash rice and dal and add it to the pressure cooker with 5 cups of water, turmeric and salt and cook until four whistles. Let the pressure come down itself..

  2. To make dal khichdi, heat oil in a pot. Add all the whole spices to it. Add mustard seeds and let it crackle. Add cumin seeds and curry leaves to it and mix it well. Now add finely chopped potatoes to it and cook it for 5 minutes..

  3. Add finely chopped onion to it and saute it until light pink in colour. Now add ginger, garlic and green chilli paste to it and mix everything well. Add all the dry spices to it and add half cup of water to it. Now add finely chopped tomatoes to it and mix everything well. Let it cook for 5 to 7 minutes on medium heat..

  4. Now add boiled rice and dal mix to it and add water to it to make it semi thick. Mix everything well and let it cook for 5 minutes..

  5. To prepare tadka, in a small pan take ghee and add mustard seeds to it and let it crackle. Now add cumin seeds, hing, curry leaves and dry red chilli to it. Add finely chopped garlic to it and saute until light pink in colour. Turn off the heat and add red chilli powder to it. Pour this tadka over the prepared dal khichdi..

  6. Serve dal khichdi with curd, roasted papad and pickles..

My previous jain dal khichadi recipe was a big hit and I almost forgot to share this version.

Jain dal khichadi is one of my initial blogging days recipe. khichadi history Well, khichadi one the famous indian subcontinent.

You can serve this dal khichadi with lots of ghee, mango pickle and papad.

Tips: Try to use broken rice or tukda rice for making khichadi.

Due to broken rice khichadi becomes nice and soft.