How to Make Appetizing Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages

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How to Make Appetizing Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages
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How to Make Appetizing Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages. Potatoes Unripe Bananas Traditional vegetables Salt Boiled githeri. Mash till all your ingredients are perfectly incorporated. Serve with stewed beef(or any meat) and steamed cabbage.

How to make Steamed Mashed Banana: Take a ripe banana (nendrapazham).

It has to be fresh and ripe.

Place the plate on the steamer and cover it.

You can cook Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages

  1. Prepare 1/2 kg of meat.

  2. Prepare 10 of big bananas.

  3. Prepare 8 of big potatoes.

  4. You need 1/2 of cabbage and 2spinach.

  5. Prepare 2 of brocoli.

  6. Prepare 1 of red onion, 1leave onion.

  7. You need 4 of carrots.

  8. Prepare 1 of big zucchinis.

  9. It’s 1 bunch of corriander.

  10. It’s of Cooking oil.

  11. Prepare of Salt.

Pierce with a knife to see whether it is cooked.

If you goes in easily then it is cooked.

This is not the traditional colcannon, a mashed potato and cabbage dish from Ireland.

Made this using leftover corned beef fried cabbage and mashed potatoes.

Mashed Bananas with brocoli meat stew and steamed cabbages instructions

  1. Peel bananas and potatoes,chop the cabbage and spinach, prepare your brocoli into a different bowl….

  2. Grate carrots, zucchinis put them in the bowl with cabbages and mix, chop the carrots and mix them with the brocoli….

  3. Boil your Bananas with a pressure cooker or a sufuria for 10 to 15mins as it boils prepare your onions to steam your cabbages as it cooks boil your meat for 5mins after boiling put the onions, zucchinis, hoho and 3tbsp cooking oil stir and add the brocolis,,.

  4. Mash the bananas, and serve with the stew.

  5. I.

Added a pinch of red pepper and topped with shredded sharp cheddar.

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Mashing bananas is essential in several different kinds of recipes.

Banana bread, banana baby food, and smoothies or shakes Mash the banana more, use overripe bananas and add a little water or apple juice.