Recipe: Appetizing Cabbage soup

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Recipe: Appetizing Cabbage soup
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Recipe: Appetizing Cabbage soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Cabbage soup. This Cabbage Soup recipe is one of the few recipes that you can sit down and eat as much as you want as often as you want and you can feel great about it! Reviews for: Photos of Healing Cabbage Soup. Cabbage Soup is a savory vegetable soup made with carrots, celery, onions, cabbage, diced tomato and spices.

This is the most adaptable soup.

It's flavorful, incredibly healthy, and comes together in no time.

To make this simple cabbage soup you only need fresh cabbage, onions, canned tomatoes, chicken stock, and a few spices.

You can have Cabbage soup using 13 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Cabbage soup

  1. You need of Cabbage.

  2. You need of Potatoes.

  3. You need of Carrots.

  4. Prepare of Zucchini.

  5. Prepare of Corriander.

  6. It’s of Onions.

  7. You need of Tomatoes.

  8. You need of Garlic.

  9. Prepare of Salt.

  10. It’s of Cooking oil.

  11. It’s of Pepper.

  12. Prepare of Water/broth of choice (used pumpkin broth).

  13. It’s of Capscicum.

Of course with so few ingredients the quality of the soup relies on the quality.

This cabbage soup recipe has taken many forms over the years, but they all have one thing in common—they're stuffed full of non-starchy vegetables swimming in a flavorful herb-filled broth.

The cabbage soup diet comes in a few different versions, but the basic premise is a recipe for homemade, fat-free cabbage soup and a list of specific, low-calorie foods to eat on different days in.

Some reported losing more, some less.

Cabbage soup step by step

  1. Collect and prepare your ingredients..

  2. Bring to boil the carrots and potatoes in the broth till soften. Remove from heat. Heat oil in a sauce pan. Fry the onions and garlic to golden brown then add the tomatoes and other vegetables..

  3. Add in the potato mix and let cook to boiling then add your cabbage. Reduce heat allow to cook till tender. Add salt and pepper to taste.serve and enjoy 😋😋.

I know what you're thinking: why would she put that on her food blog?

It's not fancy, it's nearly impossible.

It's delicious on its own or served with a hunk of crusty, buttered bread.

The basic cabbage soup happens to be delicious, whether you follow the diet or not.

Go ahead and make it with beans, ground meat, or chicken if you're not dieting.