Recipe: Delicious Soya Makhana curry

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Recipe: Delicious Soya Makhana curry
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Recipe: Delicious Soya Makhana curry Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Soya Makhana curry. This Creamy shahi makhana curry is famous throughout Indian for its unique ingredients and amazing taste. Makhana Matar Curry is a delicious gravy-based dish. Makhana and matar is made with a spicy tomato and cashew gravy.

Since these are dehydrated and defatted product they need to be soaked well in hot water until soft.

Soya meat curry is another favorite recipe of Sri Lanka, It is really simple to make and adjust the spiciness according to your taste.

Cut the paneer into samll pieces.

You can cook Soya Makhana curry using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Soya Makhana curry

  1. You need 1/4 cup of soya nuggets.

  2. You need 1/4 cup of green peas.

  3. You need 1/4 cup of makhana.

  4. It’s 8-10 of cashews.

  5. Prepare 2 of tomatoes.

  6. It’s 1 of onion.

  7. You need 1 inch of ginger piece.

  8. It’s 2 of green chillies.

  9. Prepare 1/4 tbsp of kitchen king masala.

  10. Prepare 1/4 tbsp of coriander powder.

  11. You need 1/4 tbsp of kashmiri chilli powder.

  12. You need 1/4 tbsp of turmeric powder.

  13. It’s 2 tbsp of fresh cream.

  14. You need as needed of Oil.

  15. You need to taste of Salt.

Khoya Matar Makhana Recipe with stepwise photos.

Khoya matar makhana recipe with step by step photos.

A rich and tasty Punjabi curry made with peas, fox nuts and khoya/evaporated milk. how to make a soya meat curry.

A vegetarian dish made with mealmaker.

Soya Makhana curry instructions

  1. First boil water and add little salt to it. Now add soya nuggets to it and cook for 6- 8 min. Drain it and wash with cold water and squeeze water from it. Now heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan and add soya nuggets to it and saute it for 2 min for removal of excess water..

  2. Boil green peas with little salt and sugar for 5 min. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan and add chopped tomatoes, onion, cashews, ginger and green chillies to it and saute it for 5 min. Now cool it and grind to make a fine paste..

  3. Now heat oil in a pan and add this paste to it. Add all spices to it and cook for 2 min. Now add some water to it and boil for 2 min. Add peas, soya nuggets and makhana to it. Cook it for 5 min. Now add 2 tbsp of fresh cream to it. Healthy and tasty curry is ready to serve..

A meat substitute for all vegan and vegetarian diets full of plant-based protein.

I came to know about Phool Makhani(Puffed Lotus Seeds/Fox nut in English) recently through my blogger friends.

As soon as I came to know about them, I looked for its health benefits and amazed at it.

Mushroom Makhana and Palak Sabzi is a delicious and healthy curry for every day.

It is a tomato and onion sauce that is vegan, gluten-free, low GI and diabetic friendly.