Easiest Way to Make Yummy Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce

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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce
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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce. Is Chinese cabbage the same as Napa cabbage? There are a few different kinds of Chinese cabbage, but Napa cabbage is the most popular in the group. Most grocery stores label Napa varieties as "Chinese cabbage," but beware: they may also put bok choy, pak choy or other Asian greens under the same label.

The name is most likely derived from the Japanese word nappa—meaning leafy green—rather than a location, which is why it's not capitalized.

You may also see it labeled as Chinese white cabbage, Peking cabbage, or celery cabbage.

Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa, subspecies pekinensis and chinensis) can refer to two cultivar groups of Chinese leaf vegetables often used in Chinese cuisine: the Pekinensis Group (napa cabbage) and the Chinensis Group ().

You can have Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce

  1. It’s 200 grams of Thinly sliced pork belly.

  2. Prepare 1/6 of Chinese cabbage.

  3. Prepare 2 of heads, Bok choy.

  4. It’s 2 tsp of Garlic.

  5. Prepare of Flavoring ingredients:.

  6. You need 1 of Salt and pepper (to taste).

  7. Prepare 1 tbsp of Chicken stock granules.

  8. It’s 1 tbsp of Sesame oil.

  9. It’s 1 of Katakuriko slurry (as needed).

These vegetables are both variant cultivars or subspecies of the turnip and belong to the same genus as such Western staples as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Chinese cabbage can also be served raw, like in a salad or slaw.

Simply chop the Napa cabbage into very thin strips and add in scallions, a chili, julienned carrots, or other vegetables.

Top the mixture with a sauce of sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, and pepper.

Chinese Cabbage & Bok Choy Salted Pork Belly in Sauce instructions

  1. Cut the cabbage core to about 1 cm width, and the leaves to about 2-3 cm..

  2. Cut the bok choy into 3-4 cm pieces..

  3. Heat sliced garlic in a pan with sesame oil. Once its fragrant, add pork belly cut into bite-sized pieces..

  4. Once the meat has cooked, cook the cabbage core, bok choy leaves, and cabbage leaves in that order. Flavor with salt, pepper, and chicken stock. Pour water-dissolved katakuriko to add thickness..

  5. Weipa is also delicious in place of chicken stock. In that case, be careful of the salt..

The members of this family include the cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, radish, broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc.

Chinese cabbage is one of the most versatile vegetable.

It is very popular, can be grown in a short period of time and has high nutritional value.

It belongs to the same genre as the European cabbage; however more elongated leaves.

Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) is an oriental vegetable that is used a lot in sandwiches and salads instead of lettuce.