Recipe: Perfect Oha soup

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Recipe: Perfect Oha soup
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Recipe: Perfect Oha soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Oha soup. Ora (Oha) soup is native to the South Eastern Nigeria. Ora (Oha) Soup is special because the tender ora leaves used in preparing this soup recipe are seasonal unlike their bitterleaf counterpart. And the best oha soup is made from fresh oha leaves.

Oha soup is definitely going to make the list of Nigerian popular soups.

You are probably here because you want to learn how to make oha soup the exact way an Igbo woman would prepare it.

Oha soup is all I've been craving lately and I really wanted to share my recipe with you.

You can cook Oha soup using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Oha soup

  1. You need 10-12 of small sized coco yam.

  2. You need 750 g of mutton (goat meat)/ meat of choice.

  3. You need of Stock fish or dried catfish.

  4. You need leaves of Oha.

  5. You need leaves of Uziza.

  6. You need of Crayfish as desired.

  7. It’s 1 of Ogiri.

  8. It’s of Yellow peppers.

  9. You need 5 of stock cubes.

  10. You need to taste of Salt.

  11. Prepare 1 1/2 cups of palm oil.

  12. You need 2 of medium sized onions.

If you've gotten your hands on fresh oha leaves, make a pot of oha soup.

This Nigerian specialty is thickened with cocoyam paste and seasoned with smoked fish, dried shrimp, and your favorite meats.

See great recipes for Oha Soup Recipe, Wheat swallow with oha soup too!

Oha Soup, popularly referred to as Ofe Oha by the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria is an absolutely delicious traditional soup recipe.

Oha soup instructions

  1. Wash coco yam and boil with the skin till tender.

  2. Boil your meat together with the dried fish or stock fish with onions, salt and seasoning cubes to taste.

  3. Wash and prepare all ingredients.

  4. Once coco yam is tender, using your hands, peel off the skin and pound the coco Yam in a Mortar.

  5. Add the pounded coco yam to the cooking pot of meat, Add in your palm oil, allow to cook till coco yam is dissolved. Add in your pepper, crayfish and ogiri.

  6. Add in your uziza leaves and allow to cook for 3mins then add in your Oha leaves cook for a minute and voila..! Soup is ready.

  7. It can be served with swallow of choice. Semo, fufu, eba, pounded yam etc.

Oha soup isn't exactly a go-to kind of soup because the main.

Oha soup(a.ka;Ora/Uha soup or Ofe Oha/uha/ Ora) is a delicious Soup recipe from the eastern part of Nigeria.

It is one of those native Igbo soups that you taste and just can't forget.

Oha soup is a traditional soup similar to the bitter leaf soup but cooked with oha leaves.

Oha leaves is used in preparing oha soup, it is called ora leaves in some areas in the Eastern part of Nigeria like in.