Recipe: Perfect Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk)

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Recipe: Perfect Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk)
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Recipe: Perfect Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk). Recipe is inside the video, please watch till the end. #sayurlodeh #mixvegetablessoupincoconutmilk #indonesianfood. Today we are cooking the vegetables that we took from our backyard and wanna share with you our recipe called " Sayur Lodeh", hope you like it and enjoy our. Sayur lodeh is Indonesian vegetable stew in coconut milk.

I love most Malay food like nasi lemak, mee rebus, mee siam, mee soto and the list goes on.but Lontong is the last choice that comes into my mind >.<.

I rarely order this dish as I do not like the cold compressed rice, moreover I cannot find a decent one around my vicinity.

This sayur lodeh taste pretty light despite there is coconut milk.

You can have Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk) using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk)

  1. It’s of string bean.

  2. It’s of egg plant.

  3. Prepare of cabbage.

  4. Prepare of corn.

  5. It’s of chayote squash.

  6. It’s 500 ml of coconut milk.

  7. You need leaf of salam.

  8. You need 1 of finger galangal.

  9. Prepare 4 of onion.

  10. You need 2 of garlic.

  11. You need of chilli papper.

  12. It’s of salt.

  13. You need of sugar.

My mom usually doesn't make this very spicy because we usually pair it with other spicy dishes like rendang sapi Padang, sambal goreng kentang, sambal goreng tempeh, etc.

I believe if you give this sayur lodeh a chance, you might find.

Sayur lodeh is a vegetable dish cooked in rich coconut milk.

With origins from Indonesia, the dish consists of a variety of vegetables one prefers, tempeh and tofu.

Lodeh (mix vegetable with coconut milk) instructions

  1. Cut egg plant, chayote squash in dice. Cut corn in three. Cut string bean and also cabbage (cut in four).

  2. Slice onion and garlic in thiny layer. Cut cilli paper (about 1inc).

  3. Boil 700ml water. Put onion, galangal, salam leaf and garlic, corn until water boiled..

  4. Put squash, egg plant. Wait about 3 minutes, put the cabbage and string bean..

  5. Add salt (about 1 spoon), sugar (2 spoon) and coconut milk.

  6. Keep stir up until boil, and add chilli paper before end cooking process..

Turmeric is used to give it a beautiful shade of yellow.

A variety of vegetables are simmered in a milk coconut milk curry to make this popular Indonesian vegetable curry side dish.

Sayur Lodeh. (Indonesian vegetables in coconut curry).

Sayur Lodeh - Indonesian Vegetable Stew in Coconut Milk. · You will eat more vegetables when you cook lodeh (Indonesian vegetable stew in coconut milk).

Lodeh, one of Indonesian food is vegetables in coconut milk soup.