Recipe: Delicious Stewed

Recipe: Delicious Stewed Delicious, fresh and tasty.
Stewed. How to use stewed in a sentence. Stewed definition, cooked by simmering or slow boiling, as food. See more. "Not unless they're stewed and made into pies," answered the boy, laughing.
Ingredients in a stew can include any combination of vegetables (such as carrots, potatoes, onions, beans, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes) and may include meat, especially tougher meats suitable for slow-cooking, such as beef, poultry, sausages, and seafood.
Find more ways to say stewed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. half-stewed slang Drunk, mildly drunk, or nearly drunk.
Sorry I didn't call you last night—I had some wine, got half-stewed, and fell asleep. stew in (one's) (own) juice(s) To brood over one's unpleasant emotions, such as guilt, anger, or anxiety, in isolation.
You can cook Stewed using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Stewed
You need 1 of medium sized head of cabbage.
Prepare 1-1/4 pound of pork stew meats.
Prepare 29 ounces of canned diced tomatoes.
You need 1 of desert spoon sugar.
It’s 1 tablespoon of pink Himalayan salt divided.
It’s 1 teaspoon of granulated garlic powder.
It’s 1 teaspoon of granulated onion powder.
Prepare 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil.
Prepare 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper.
Kevin was in such a foul mood at dinner that I left early and just let him stew in his own.
Stew definition is - a utensil used for boiling.
How to use stew in a sentence.
Ladle up a bowl of hearty stew for a cozy winter dinner at home.
Stewed instructions
Season the pork, and cut into manageable portions..
Add to the olive. Coat all the pieces and let marinate for about an hour..
Pour into a hot deep pan. Sear on all sides..
Add the cabbage and stir about every 5 minutes to get it wilted..
Add salt then sugar..
Pour tomatoes on top. Work it all together till incorporated well. Simmer 30 minutes till most of liquids are reduced. Serve I hope you enjoy!.
The expert chefs at Food Network teach you how.
Tomatoes and salt, simmered to stewed perfection.
I did not like the tomatoes prepared per this recipe.
Mom is in a stew because she just found out that we're hosting all of our relatives for Christmas—which is three days away.
See also: stew get in(to) a stew To be or become angry, upset, agitated, anxious.