Recipe: Appetizing Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad

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Recipe: Appetizing Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad
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Recipe: Appetizing Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad. Spicy Salmon Salad Recipe (Laab Salmon) ลาบแซลมอน - Hot Thai Kitchen. Season the salmon fillets with salt. Heat a frying pan over high heat.

And if this isn't glorious enough, a fragrant, hot and spicy dressing is folded in.

Thai Salmon Salad. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.

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You can cook Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad using 22 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad

  1. You need of Salmon (sliced up to thin pieces).

  2. It’s of Panko breadcrumbs.

  3. It’s of Milk.

  4. It’s of Plain flour.

  5. Prepare of ground pepper, salt.

  6. You need of Salad-.

  7. It’s of Baby gem lettuce.

  8. Prepare of Shallot.

  9. You need of Cucumber (thin sliced).

  10. It’s of Mint leaves.

  11. Prepare of Coriander.

  12. Prepare of Sauce-.

  13. Prepare of Garlic (finely chopped).

  14. You need of Thai red chillies.

  15. It’s of dry chilli flakes (optional).

  16. You need of Lime.

  17. You need of thai chilli jam or Nam prik pao.

  18. You need of Fish sauce.

  19. You need of Palm sugar or brown sugar.

  20. Prepare of grounded toasted rice.

  21. It’s of Fry-.

  22. You need of Cooking oil.

Enjoy this authentic Thai waterfall beef salad recipe!

Lime juice for sourness, paired with fish sauce for saltiness, is the main dressing combination for this Thai waterfall salad recipe.

I use Thai Chilli Jam or…» Salmon fillet Thai style spicy salad in white plate on wooden table in Japanese restaurant.

Dried Chillies Spicy Salmon Salmon Salad Fish Sauce Lime Juice Smiley Roast Waterfall Rice.

Crispy salmon waterfall Thai salad step by step

  1. Prepare 3 plates of plain flour, breadcrumbs and milk. Seasoning your breadcrumbs with salt and pepper. Place pieces of salmon one at a time onto plain flour, milk then breadcrumbs then leave it aside on a plate ready to fry..

  2. To make ground toasted rice, add a handful of jasmine rice on a dry pan with no cooking oil. Toast your rice for a good 20-25 min on a medium heat until rice become brown and toasted. Pound them in pestle and mortar..

  3. Add some vegetable oil on a frying pan, fry your salmon on medium heat until crisp and golden. Drain your salmon on paper towel. Leave them aside..

  4. Add your salmon in and mix well..

  5. Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a big mixing bowl..

  6. Add salad ingredients toss them together quickly and serve..

I used sockeye salmon for the vibrant color, but other varieties will work as well.

I like to make my own peanut dressing to go with this salad, but you could definitely sub out a good jarred peanut sauce (perhaps thin it with a bit of water) if.

Serve this simple, pan-fried salmon with a sesame and soy-marinated seaweed salad and a pile of brown rice.

Drying and salting your salmon fillets helps ensure that the skin gets extra crispy.

Like anyone else, sometimes I run out of ideas for what to cook for dinner.