Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style)

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Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style)
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Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style). Fried Chicken Gizzard - crispy fried chicken gizzards with a deep, rich, meaty flavor that are sliced in twisted bits and fried to perfection. The cheapest meat and it's so tasty and addictive. Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style) Recipe by cookpad.japan.

They are super small, and their texture is unlike what you would expect from chicken.

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You can have Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style) using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style)

  1. It’s 1 of pack Chicken gizzards (kidneys).

  2. It’s 2 of Cucumbers (small Japanese type).

  3. Prepare 10 of cm or so Japanese leek.

  4. Prepare 1 dash of Salt.

  5. Prepare 1 dash of when boiling the kidneys Sake.

  6. Prepare 1 dash of when boiling the kidneys White pepper.

  7. It’s 1 of drizzle Sesame oil.

  8. You need 3 of wedges Lemon.

  9. Prepare of The sauce.

  10. Prepare 2 tbsp of Gochujang.

  11. You need 2 tsp of Sugar.

  12. You need 2 tsp of Vinegar.

  13. It’s 1 tbsp of Ground sesame seeds.

Try cooking these yourself with the recipe provided in the video description.

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Chicken Gizzards with Cucumber (Namul-style) instructions

  1. Theres no need to take the skin and stuff off the gizzards Rinse in water, cut them up, then boil in water with some white pepper and sake. Let cool..

  2. Sprinkle the cucumbers with salt, and roll them on a cutting board while holding them down firmly with both hands. This is to ensure the cucumbers retain their bright color even after some time..

  3. Now hit the cucumbers with a bottle! See? The seeds become easier to remove. If you leave the seeds, the cucumbers will smell kind of raw' later, and will release a lot of water, which will make the dish soggy..

  4. Cut the cucumbers roughly. If the previous steps are too much work, sprinkle the cucumbers with salt after cutting them up, leave for a while and rinse. That works too..

  5. Slice the leek diagonally into ultra-thin slices. Take out the cores from the leeks and soak the slices in a bit of water. Drain and pat dry. Leave the green cores of the leeks for color..

  6. Combine the sauce ingredients and mix well. Mix well with with the kidneys, leek and cucumber. Chill in the fridge..

  7. Drizzle with a little sesame oil and lots of lemon juice just before eating. Done!.

  8. Try sprinkling Korean chili pepper or a bit of ichimi spice to taste. Be sure to chill the dish very well before serving.

A gizzard is a muscle found in the digestive tract of a chicken.

Gizzards are very small, with a distinctive taste that resembles dark chicken meat, but with a chewier and tougher texture.

Cook them the way you would cook barbecue brisket, pork ribs or oven-braised.

This recipe makes very good chicken gizzards without a lot of fuss.

If you like gizzards, these are tender and delicious.