How to Prepare Yummy Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura

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How to Prepare Yummy Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura
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How to Prepare Yummy Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura. Tip into a colander, rinse under the cold tap, drain well and set aside. flavor of spices. Is video me me aj bana rahi hun Cauliflower Tempura ki Recipe Jo bohat hi Crispy bantey hain or isey Fried Cauliflower Tempura bhi kehtey hain. Ap ye Tempura Batter kisi bhi vegetable k sath bana saktey hain I hope you like it.

Finally I couldn't stand the cravings any longer and I made my own version.

I whisked together a simple tempura batter with cake flour, egg yolks, ice water, cumin, and.

Get the Tempura batter ready as per the recipe and add the black pepper, salt and ginger powder to it.

You can have Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura

  1. It’s 1 of small head Cauliflower *700 to 800g.

  2. It’s 2-3 tablespoons of Plain Flour *OR Self-Raising Flour.

  3. Prepare 1/2 cup of Cold Water.

  4. It’s 1 of Egg *whisked.

  5. You need 1/2 cup of Self-Raising Flour.

  6. You need 2-3 tablespoons of Potato Starch Flour *OR Corn Starch Flour.

  7. Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of Salt.

  8. Prepare 1 tablespoon of Curry Powder.

  9. It’s of Oil for frying.

  10. Prepare of Coriander *optional.

This recipe is awesome in flavor but I missed the recipe for the tempura batter so I had to find my own.

But I will definitely make this again.

Cauliflower Curry is a rich, creamy and aromatic dish that my whole family loves!

If you love Indian food you have to try this curry recipe.

Curry Flavoured Cauliflower Tempura step by step

  1. Cut Cauliflower into florets and place them in a large bowl. Make sure the florets are in the size that is easy to eat. Sprinkle with Flour and toss so that all florets are coated well..

  2. Make curry flavoured Tempura Batter. Combine Self-Raising Flour, Potato Starch Flour (OR Corn Starch Flour), Salt and Curry Powder in a bowl. Add Egg and Cold Water, and mix lightly..

  3. Heat Oil to 170°C to 180°C. The right temperature can be tested by dropping a little bit of batter into the oil. If the batter sinks a little into the oil, then comes back the surface, the temperature is right for frying..

  4. Dip the florets into Tempura Batter and slide them into the hot oil. Do not fry too many at once. Turn them over a few times. When the batter is light golden and crispy, take them out and lay them on a rack or paper towel to drain the oil. Try to retain the crunchy texture..

  5. Scatter Coriander leaves on top and serve warm..

Cauliflower Tempura Recipe is quick and easy to cook, a very delicious and healthy Japanese-style snack.

This recipe came from trying to use up the leftovers in the fridge.

Easy vegetarian Cauliflower Curry with lots of anti-inflammatory Turmeric!

With cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, and peas.

The official name for this dish is "shahi" cauliflower curry.