Recipe: Perfect Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp

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Recipe: Perfect Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp
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Recipe: Perfect Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp. The best way to spend rainy days is cooking comfort food to feel you warm and full like Misua Soup with Meatballs and Shrimp. Misua and Meatball Soup is my version of albondigas. I am using thin flour noodles called misua or miswa and I also added loofah gourd, which is known as "patola" in the Philippines.

Sponge Gourd Soup with Misua, Shrimp & Saffron.

Recipes, stories and photos about food, wine Great recipe for Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp.

If you do not care for shrimp, feel free to leave it out.

You can have Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp

  1. It’s of Salt and pepper.

  2. You need 1 of egg.

  3. It’s 2 tbsp of fish sauce.

  4. It’s 1 of kilo ground pork.

  5. It’s 5 of onion leaf chopped.

  6. Prepare 1/2 of ginger chopped.

  7. Prepare 3 cloves of garlic.

  8. You need 1/2 of onion diced.

  9. It’s 1/2 of bitter melon.

  10. You need 5 of shrimp ball optional.

  11. You need 10 pcs of shrimps chopped.

  12. Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

  13. Prepare 1 cup of water.

  14. It’s 1 of small pack of misua noodles.

I am happy to eat this soup without additional protein, but there are lots of options if you do want a Once steaming hot, add the shrimp, sesame oil, and lemon juice and keep on the heat until you are certain the shrimp have cooked through.

Misua with meatballs is a delicious, hearty soup made with pork meatballs, somen noodles, and vegetables.

This dish is one of the best lutong bahay You can likewise and add other ingredients to the soup such as shrimp, celery, and patola.

But it is perfect without it.

Misua Soup with Meatball Shrimp instructions

  1. Put onion, egg, salt, pepper and chopped shrimps into ground pork and smashed to create a meatball..

  2. In a pan, sautè onion and garlic. Put 1 cup of water and let it boil. When already boiling put meatballs and cook it for about 20 minutes. Then add the misua noodles, shrimp balls and bitter melon. Add fish sauce to taste. Cook it for 5-10 minutes..

  3. Ready to serve!.

In this recipe, we fry the.

Mexican soup (sopa de camaron) with fresh gulf shrimp, white onion, carrots, potato, garlic, smoky guajillo chiles, and fresh epazote is full of flavor.

Imagine meatballs swimming in a noodle soup, with bites of shrimp and zucchini.

The best part, though, is the rich broth.

The secret to this dish is that there are so I introduced Misua Bola-Bola to my family as the Filipino version of Italian Wedding Soup.