Recipe: Tasty Goat and yam pepper soup

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Recipe: Tasty Goat and yam pepper soup
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Recipe: Tasty Goat and yam pepper soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Goat and yam pepper soup. Pepper soup is a popular family meal in Nigeria. Many people love to have the native soup in the evenings and for dinners. This meal contains pepper and goat meat as its main ingredients.

Note: You can add white yam to Goat Meat Pepper Soup to get Goat Meat and Yam Pepper Soup.

Before you cook the Nigerian Pepper Soup.

If you will eat the Goat meat peppersoup with.

You can cook Goat and yam pepper soup using 9 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Goat and yam pepper soup

  1. Prepare half of kilo goatmeat.

  2. You need of small piece yam.

  3. You need 4 pieces of green peas.

  4. Prepare 2 of seed red pepper.

  5. Prepare of salt.

  6. Prepare 1 teaspoon of pepper soup spices.

  7. You need of small onions.

  8. It’s of maggi.

  9. It’s of small ginger.

Goat Meat in Yam Pepper Soup, this African native soup is a meal to yearn for, it is full of deliciousness and it will delight your soul.

Pepersoup is an appetizer but when Peppersoup is combined with Yam, it become a main meal.

I used Uyayak which is also known as Aidan pods.

This African spice is used for medicinal purpose and also in cooking.

Goat and yam pepper soup instructions

  1. Season and boil your goat meat and when it is cooked, add the yam and more water with the other ingredients ad season to your taste.

  2. Cover the pot and let it cook for 15minutes.

Abak Atama, Afia Efere, Peppersoup, Iwuk Efere, Efere Ibaba are some of the dishes that Uyayak is used in.

Pepper soup is a popular family meal in Nigeria.

Many people love to have the native soup in the evenings and for dinners.

Stir and simmer on low heat until broth comes to a boil.

Adjust salt and bouillon cubes to personal taste, simmering until the goat meat is tender.