Easiest Way to Make Yummy Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms

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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms
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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms. Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms I wanted to recreate a dessert I had in Vietnam, so I bought the ingredients at a supermarket when I was there. I only had lotus root at the restaurant, but white kikurage mushrooms were really cheap, so I added them in. In a soup pot, add prepared fungus and the rest of the ingredients except rock sugar.

White Woodear Dates Lotus Seeds And Lily Bulb Soup 红枣银耳莲子羹 Mao Mao Mom Kitchen bulb, Chinese yam, lotus seeds, dates, sugar, mushrooms Eight-Treasure Porridge Christine's Recipes White fungus can help reduce lung damage from smoking.

Diet therapy textbooks also record that modern science understands white fungus can improve the body's immune system.

If you always catch colds and flu, it is also suitable for you to eat.

You can cook Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms

  1. It’s 80 grams of Lotus root (pickled in sugar).

  2. Prepare 1 of one pinch White woodear (kikurage) mushrooms.

  3. Prepare 300 ml of Water.

  4. Prepare 50 ml of Jasmine tea.

  5. It’s 1 of Ice.

See great recipes for Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms too!

Now let's give it a go!

Put all of the meat filling ingredients (ground pork (or ground chicken), Shaoxing wine, light soy sauce (生抽), water, sesame oil, cornstarch, white pepper, scallion, and ginger) in a mixing bowl.

See more ideas about Food, Recipes, Ethnic recipes.

Vietnamese-Style Dessert with Lotus Root and White Woodear Mushrooms instructions

  1. Remove the stems from the white kikurage mushrooms,and rehydrate in water..

  2. Place the lotus root into water and dissolve the lumps of sugar. Taste test it, and its fine as long as the sugar has softened. Remove the lotus root from the pot momentarily. The photo shows lotus root pickled in sugar..

  3. Add the white kikurage mushrooms in the syrup from Step 2, and let the flavor seep in. Stew over a low heat for about 30 minutes. (Boil it down about halfway). Return the lotus root that you set aside in Step 2 to the pot after the white kikurage mushrooms have become sweet..

  4. Add in jasmine tea while tasting to give it a fragrance. Let cool as-is, and chill in the fridge until you are ready to serve it..

  5. Serve together with ice (small cubes if possible) in a separate dish, and eat the lotus root dessert while adding it to the ice..

  6. This is a photo from when I ate it at a restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam called Gisian. The dish was called Che Hat Sen..

Burdock Root (also called Gobo, or Burdock) has cancer fighting abilities, strengthens the liver and reduce cholesterol.

High in fiber, rich in healthy nutrients, low in fat, and low in calories.

It's surprisingly cheap and easy to find, and it's called wood ear mushroom.

Naturally sourced collagen from a plant-based food!

White fungus (银耳), an edible fungus that grows on many trees in Asia is also named as snow fungus, white wood ear or tremella.