Recipe: Yummy Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root

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Recipe: Yummy Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root
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Recipe: Yummy Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root. Great recipe for Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root. A recipe passed down to me from my grandmother. This is one of my family's staple New Year's fest recipes, but I had an unexpected craving for it, so I went ahead and made it.

Lotus root has been considered an auspicious food for the Japanese New Year because lotus root with its many holes is a symbol of an unobstructed view of the future.

This is one of my family's staple New Year's fest recipes, but I had an unexpected craving for it, so I went ahead and made it.

Be careful not to burn the lotus root when evaporating the liquid.

You can cook Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root

  1. It’s 200 grams of Lotus root.

  2. Prepare 3 1/2 tbsp of ★Vinegar.

  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of ★Mirin.

  4. Prepare 2 tbsp of ★Sugar.

Evaporate it quickly on a high heat, but be.

My Welch-Irish Grandma loved root vegetables, including beets.

This recipe is tasty and simple.

Pickled beets are a family favorite here.

Just Like Grandma's Crispy Pickled Lotus Root instructions

  1. Peel the lotus root, slice as thinly as possible and soak in vinegar water (not listed)..

  2. Blanch by submerging in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and cook just enough so that they retain their crunchiness. Remove from boiling water (do not rise in cold water)..

  3. Add the ★ ingredients to a separate pot, bring to a boil, then add the blanched lotus root..

  4. Turn the heat up to high. Boil until the liquid has completely evaporated. The bottom of the pot should be sizzling and the the lotus root should turn an amber brown. Turn off the heat just before the lotus root starts to burn..

  5. Continually stir the contents of the pot with chopsticks while evaporating at Step 4..

Depending on how sweet you prefer your pickled beets, more sugar can be added.

My grandmother always added a bit of ground cloves to the syrup and it adds a great touch to the flavor.

See more ideas about Pickles, Pickling recipes, Canning recipes.

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