Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Thick chicken & vegetable soup

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Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Thick chicken & vegetable soup
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Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Thick chicken & vegetable soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Thick chicken & vegetable soup. Chicken noodle soup is the quintessential American comfort food and somehow always manages to make us feel better, whether we're under the weather or just had a rough day. While we love the traditional soup, we're more a fan of hearty casseroles, so turning this dish into a smooth and cheesy baked meal was a no-brainer! Chicken legs simmer in a thick curry sauce for a delicious dinner with just the right amount of spice.

Add this mixture to the boiling broth and cook over medium heat until it thickens.

Place the chicken in the hot fat using long-handled tongs or a slotted deep-frying spoon.

Remove them from the fat with tongs and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain.

You can have Thick chicken & vegetable soup using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Thick chicken & vegetable soup

  1. Prepare 1 large of chicken breast fillet (or left over chicken).

  2. It’s 1 large of onion.

  3. Prepare 6 of carrots.

  4. Prepare 6 of savoy cabbage leaves.

  5. Prepare 4 of celery stalks.

  6. You need 2 of chicken stock cubes.

  7. You need 125 grams of red lentils.

  8. Prepare 250 grams of green split peas.

  9. Prepare 250 grams of yellow split peas.

  10. You need 2 pints of water.

  11. It’s 2 tbsp of oil.

Wondering how to cook chicken breast without drying it out again?

Next time you're prepping the protein-rich poultry, try this hack to keep your dish juicy.

Remove and discard the plastic pop-up timer from chicken if there is one.

Remove the giblets and excess fat from the chicken cavity.

Thick chicken & vegetable soup step by step

  1. You must soak your yellow and green split peas for 24hours before you make your soup..

  2. Slice chicken into strips. Brown in pan using a oil of your choice. Once chicken is done add half your onion and fry for a few mins..

  3. .

  4. Add water. Add the rest of your ingredients..

  5. Bring to the boil. Then simmer for 30 mins, blend and serve..

Rinse chicken inside and out under cold running water.

Dry chicken thoroughly with paper towels.

You can't go wrong with chicken for a simple weeknight meal.

Fat Chicken showcases Chef DJ Quintanilla's distinctive take on all things chicken - southern fried with biscuits, oven roasted, grilled, pot pies - you name it!

Our chicken is homemade from scratch, fresh, with no antibiotics, steroids or hormones.