Easiest Way to Cook Perfect 7/8 Waste not want not Soup

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Easiest Way to Cook Perfect 7/8 Waste not want not Soup
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Easiest Way to Cook Perfect 7/8 Waste not want not Soup Delicious, fresh and tasty.

7/8 Waste not want not Soup. Bones and connective tissue contain collagen, a protein that's known to help reduce inflammation, protect the joints, is fabulous for skin, hair and nails and aids sleep. We don't have the teeth to eat all but small fish bones such as sardines so we. Waste not, want not Parsnip Soup Hey everyone, it's me, Dave, welcome to my recipe page.

For mine, I am going to make it a bit tasty.

This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Waste not, want not Parsnip Soup is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth.

You can cook 7/8 Waste not want not Soup using 14 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of 7/8 Waste not want not Soup

  1. Prepare of For the stock.

  2. It’s of carcass of a chicken broken into pieces or a few beef bones.

  3. It’s 2 handfuls of leftover vegetables such as carrots, celery, onion.

  4. Prepare 1 of bayleaf.

  5. It’s 6 of peppercorns.

  6. Prepare sprig of thyme.

  7. Prepare splash of vinegar.

  8. You need to taste of salt.

  9. Prepare of water.

  10. Prepare of For the soup.

  11. It’s handful of leftover uncooked vege - I used fennel, Brussel sprouts, broccoli and chestnut mushrooms.

  12. You need 1 tbsp of fat from the top of the stock.

  13. It’s 1 pint (1/2 litre) of stock.

  14. Prepare to taste of salt and pepper.

Don't throw those vegetable scraps away.

You can slow-simmer them for a flavourful vegetable broth, or you can turn them into a hearty soup that's very easy on the budget. waste not, want not Soups are traditionally a great way of using up vegetables that may be a little past their prime.

Think spinach, kale, cabbage, beans, brinjal, peppers, baby marrows, sweet.

The more you have, the more you are occupied.

7/8 Waste not want not Soup step by step

  1. To make the stock. After stripping the carcass/bones of the meat, place the bones in a large pan such as a stock pot..

  2. Wash (no need to peel) the vegetables, chop and add to the pan. Add the bayleaf, peppercorns, thyme, a little salt and a splash of vinegar (the vinegar helps release the nutrients from the marrow)..

  3. Add enough water to cover. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook gently for at least an hour, preferably two or more or until the liquid takes on colour and is reduced by at least half. Strain, pushing the vegetables and bones against the sieve to extract maximum flavour. Set aside. It can be stored in the fridge for a few days..

  4. To make the soup. Slice the vegetables thinly. Skim a little of the fat off the stock and place in a pan and heat. Add the vegetables to the pan turning as they cook. Season and add 1 pint of the stock. Add a few grinds of salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, turn down the heat to a simmer and cook until the vegetables are cooked but still have a bite..

  5. Check the seasoning then share between 2 bowls. I topped mine with finely chopped Brussel sprouts to add a bit of texture but you can add parsley or maybe a few dried chilli flakes, whatever takes your fancy..

The less you have, the more free you are. ~Mother Teresa.

I reached up to grab a spare blanket from the top shelf of the closet and was immediately pelted by additional covers, spare pillows and assorted quilts shrouding me like a tent. "I have GOT to get my act together," I muttered.

Waste not, want not - recipes.

Waste Not, Want Not - Split Pea Soup.

I hate, hate, HATE to waste food.