Recipe: Perfect Potato Pancakes

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Recipe: Perfect Potato Pancakes
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Recipe: Perfect Potato Pancakes Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Potato Pancakes. This is a traditional potato pancake recipe, and is a wonderful comfort food. Serve with applesauce and sour cream for a light dinner, or with roast chicken for a hearty winter meal. So simple, yet unbelievably tasty, these Classic Potato Pancakes are not to be missed!

Have them with eggs, meats or salads.

Potato pancakes are such a delicious way to use up leftover mashed potatoes.

They have fluffy centers, golden edges, and a little cheese for extra flavor.

You can have Potato Pancakes using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Potato Pancakes

  1. Prepare 700 g of boiled potatoes.

  2. It’s 2 of eggs.

  3. It’s 80 g of sour cream.

  4. You need 1 tbsp of flour.

  5. Prepare 1 cup of chopped onions.

  6. You need 1 tbsp of butter.

  7. Prepare 40 ml of oil for frying.

Homemade Potato Pancakes Recipe - Authentic Jewish Latkes, Best Ever!

Potato pancakes is a classic Jewish recipe, and the Jewish potato pancakes are called 'latkes'.

Potato pancakes, prepared from fresh chopped or grated potatoes, onions, eggs and flour, are commonly associated with various cuisines of Europe.

In Ukraine they are called "deruny".

Potato Pancakes step by step

  1. Mash the (previous day) boiled potatoes. Leave some chunks in for better texture..

  2. Mix in the rest of the ingredients (apart from the oil) and add any seasonings of choice..

  3. Divide into 16 patties and pan fry with some oil..

  4. I recommend serving with some sour cream and anything pickled!.

My mashed potatoes last night were a bit on the thin side (added just a skosh too much milk), so I I have tried many mashed potato pancake recipes.this is definitely the best!

Potato Pancakes with Ratatouille and AnchovyKooking.

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Crispy potato pancakes make the perfect side dish to any meal.

Easy Potato Pancakes - Wonderfully crisp, tender, and just melt-in-your mouth amazing.