Recipe: Tasty Egg Salad (no mayonnaise)

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Recipe: Tasty Egg Salad (no mayonnaise)
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Recipe: Tasty Egg Salad (no mayonnaise) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Egg Salad (no mayonnaise). Egg salad makes a tasty make-ahead snack or lunch. I like to use glass containers to store egg salad. Pyrex simply store containers work perfectly.

This is a no mayonnaise egg.

Once upon a time, mayonnaise was the sole contender for binding together a batch of creamy egg salad.

Without a dressing of some sort, chopped eggs are dry, crumbly bits—the creaminess derived from a binder, such as mayonnaise, transforms them into the soft, palatable salad that's the highlight.

You can have Egg Salad (no mayonnaise) using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Egg Salad (no mayonnaise)

  1. Prepare 4 of hard boiled eggs.

  2. You need 1 small of onion.

  3. You need 2 tbsp of olive oil.

  4. You need 1 tsp of minced garlic.

  5. Prepare 3 tbsp of chopped green olives (with or without pimento).

  6. You need 2 tsp of vinegar.

No mayonnaise at all in this recipe!

This Avocado Egg Salad recipe is every bit as delicious as traditional egg salad, but it's made with avocado instead of mayonnaise.

This egg salad made without mayo isn't your grandma's egg salad.

Instead it's crammed full of gently caramelized onions and olive oil and even garlic, and it's so surprisingly lovely you just may find that you won't miss the traditional mayonnaise.

Egg Salad (no mayonnaise) instructions

  1. Dice onion..

  2. Saute diced onion and minced garlic in some oil. (I used bacon grease for extra flavor.).

  3. Chop eggs..

  4. Combine eggs, olives, oil, vinegar and onion into bowl and mix thoroughly..

  5. Chill and eat..

  6. Salt and pepper to taste..

Mix yogurt, tahini, za 'atar, salt, and pepper together in a bowl; fold in pickle.

Sometimes an egg salad with a bunch of mayo sounds a little heavy when you are looking for a lighter lunch option.

For this recipe we decided to use a small amount of coconut yogurt in place of mayo to lighten things.

Mayonnaise - Classic egg salad calls for mayonnaise.

Whether you add full-fat or low-fat, that's completely up to you, but you will need some sort of creamy base.