Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Iranian Halva Dessert

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Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Iranian Halva Dessert
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Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Iranian Halva Dessert Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Iranian Halva Dessert. Popular in Iran, this halva is a thick, fragrant dessert that's quick and easy to make using saffron, rose water, pistachios, and almonds. Halva is a favorite dessert throughout the Middle East. Many varieties are made with tahini or semolina flour.

Persian Halva is a sweet dense paste made of flour and butter, mixed with a syrup of sugar, saffron, rosewater and cardamom that gives it a pleasant taste and smell.

Halva is originally an Arabic dessert literally meaning "sweet", but it has found its way to many Asian and north African countries, and in every region it is prepared and.

Iranian Halva Dessert A popular Iranian dessert.

You can have Iranian Halva Dessert using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Iranian Halva Dessert

  1. It’s 250 g of wheat flour.

  2. You need 200 g of sugar.

  3. Prepare 1 cup of vegetable oil.

  4. Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of saffron.

  5. You need 1 cup of rosewater.

  6. It’s 1 tablespoon of pistachios, crushed.

  7. You need 1 tablespoon of almonds, crushed.

It is prepared using flour, oil, sugar, rosewater, pistachio and almonds.

Serve halva into a suitable dish and use almonds and pistachios, chopped walnuts, coconut powder, and flowers to decorate it.

Persian Halva Recipe - Tips to Pay Attention at the Time of Baking Halva.

The best flour used to cook this dessert is wheat flour, sangak flour, and wholemeal flour, but these flours require more frying time than white.

Iranian Halva Dessert instructions

  1. In a saucepan, dilute the sugar in ½ cup of water, bring to a boil then stir in the rosewater and saffron. Turn off the heat, and keep the sugar syrup warm..

  2. In another saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, add in the flour and stir over low heat..

  3. When the flour is golden and starts to thicken, reduce the heat and slowly add in the sugar syrup while constantly stirring..

  4. When the flour is completely dissolved in the syrup and the mix turns into a thick and smooth paste, remove from heat quickly and leave to cool for a few minutes..

  5. Before the halva paste cools completely, spread it evenly in a serving platter using the back of a spoon..

  6. Sprinkle the halva with the pistachios and almonds.Let cool..

  7. Cut into pieces and serve cold..

Halva is a popular Iranian dessert.

It is a very tasty, sweet and rich dessert.

Here is the step by step instruction with photo for making Persian halva.

Tar Halva is a very traditional Persian dessert made with rice flour, ground cardamom and butter.

It is sweetened with a light saffron syrup that is mildly scented with rosewater.