How to Make Tasty Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves

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How to Make Tasty Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves
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How to Make Tasty Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves. Put cut onion, ground meat, egg and salt and pepper and mix them well. Large cabbage leaves are filled with a meat mixture and served in a bit of broth. In this cabbage roll recipe, a mixture of ground pork, and diced carrots, onions, and shiitake mushrooms are incorporated into the filling.

Even if the outer leaf breaks while cooking, the meat is still kept in the cabbage.

Avoid leaving gaps between the cabbage rolls.

If there are spaces, the leaves will easily come loose while cooking so choose the size of the slow cooker or pot.

You can cook Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves

  1. It’s 5 of each cabbage leaves.

  2. It’s 250 g of Ground meat.

  3. You need half of onion.

  4. It’s 1 of each egg.

  5. You need 600 g of water.

  6. You need 2 of each maggi.

  7. You need to taste of salt and pepper.

Photo about Minced meat rolled in cabbage called sarma.

Cabbage Rolls are made with cabbage leaves filled with ground meat and rice.

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls on Black Plates Close up Shots.

Bowl of Homemade Cabbage Rolls in a tangy Tomato Sauce.

Ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves instructions

  1. Microwave 5 leaves of cabbage at 600W for 2 minutes.

  2. Put cut onion, ground meat, egg and salt and pepper and mix them well.

  3. Wrap meatball prepared in Step2 with cabbage leave.

  4. Boil 600g of water in pod and put maggi and meat wrap into boiled water.

  5. Cook for 20 minutes and done.

My recipe for traditional Romanian Cabbage Rolls (Sarmale) are made with sour cabbage stuffed with pork You can use any type of ground meat you like, but keep in mind that leaner meats like chicken or turkey Sour cabbage leaves - This is what really sets the Romanian version apart from the rest.

Drop them in a bowl of water with ice after straining them from the boiling water.

How to prepare cabbage leaves for stuffing: Preparing the cabbage leaves for filling can be a bit tricky.

There are two ways to do it and both have their downside Simply place a good handful of filling in the center, pull the flaps over the meat, fold the sides in and continue rolling.

Roll each leaf with a rolling pin gently to flatten and smooth it.