Recipe: Tasty Country Fried

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Recipe: Tasty Country Fried
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Recipe: Tasty Country Fried Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Country Fried. Chicken-fried or country-fried steak is enjoyed everywhere in the U. S., but especially in the Country-fried steak can also be made by coating the tenderized steaks with seasoned flour or crumbs. Country Fried Venison Steak makes the traditional Southern dish leaner, but just as comforting.

Serve Country Fried Steaks (Chicken Fried Steak, as we call it) with plenty of gravy on top, and mashed potatoes on the side (double gravy recipe if you use a LOT of gravy on your potatoes, etc).

Country-fried steak is made with cube steaks, a tenderized cut of meat that makes a great weeknight dinner entrée.

We coated each steak in a crushed saltine cracker mixture.

You can cook Country Fried using 10 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Country Fried

  1. You need of Fresh pack Chicken Gizzards and Hearts.

  2. Prepare of Green Tomatoes sliced.

  3. It’s of Canola oil for frying.

  4. You need of Iron skillet.

  5. Prepare of AP flour.

  6. It’s of Cornmeal.

  7. Prepare of Slap Ya Mama cajun seasoning.

  8. It’s of Salt.

  9. It’s of Ketchup.

  10. It’s of Hot sauce.

This country fried steak recipe was originally my grandmother's, but I thought it was really bland so I added seasoning to This was my first attempt at country fried steak.

Country Fried Steak is an old deep south classic.

Cubed round steak, well seasoned and dredged in Country fried steak skips the dipping step and simply dredges a well-seasoned piece of cubed.

Country-Fried Steak is also known as pan fried steak, country fried steak or CFS.

Country Fried step by step

  1. Heat enough oil in the skillet for tomatoes and gizzards (but fry them separately) on medium high heat.

  2. Wash gizzards in colander and let them drain.

  3. Cut up your green tomatoes and place in a bowl equal parts AP flour and cornmeal then add Cajun seasoning and stir together.

  4. Dip your tomatoes in the flour mixture and when the oil is hot enough start frying.

  5. Cook for about a few minutes when done they should look like this add a sprinkle of salt while still hot.

  6. Next add the gizzards to the flour mixture and start frying them no longer than 4-5 minutes on medium high heat.

  7. When done they should look like these add a sprinkle of salt while still hot.

  8. Let them cool a bit before biting into them they are HOT.

  9. Eat the tomatoes plain or with your favorite condiment or sauce but eat the gizzards Alabama style with ketchup and hotsauce.

  10. Dont forget to give a bite to your best friend for patiently waiting and being a good boy 😉😘 Buddy loves Gizzards ♥️♥️♥️.

This is a classic dish that must be served with mashed potatoes (at least according to my husband).

This is one of my favorite comfort meals!

The chicken is crisp and juicy, the The method of breading and frying are the same, but this meal is usually served with country gravy.

Q: What is the difference between country-fried steak and chicken-fried steak?

Is it a question of The other distinction that sometimes comes up is that, where country-fried steak is flour-dusted and.