Recipe: Appetizing Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour

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Recipe: Appetizing Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour
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Recipe: Appetizing Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour. Last night, I baked healthy okara cookies! They were very hard and crunchy, but I really loved them. These cookies were very healthy because they were made from okara. :).

When you eat dried okara and have some water, it expands in your stomach and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

Not only that, okara is also high in fibre and contains minerals and protein.

Great recipe for Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour.

You can have Crunchy Healthy Cookie with Okara & Rice Flour using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

  1. You need 100 grams of Fresh okara.

  2. It’s 50 grams of Rice flour.

  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of ●Raw cane sugar.

  4. You need 1 tbsp of ●Soy milk.

  5. It’s 2 tbsp of plus ●Olive oil.

  6. You need 1/4 tsp of ●Salt.

It is rich in flavor, finished in delicious cookies as biting as you chew, it is a very satisfying dish with less okara I would like to try "Okara cookie" of deliciousness that I do not think as saccharide-off cookie.

Okara is the pulp left over from making soymilk.

It's full of fiber, and it makes these delicious, low-fat cookies moist.

I let Melanie know that I also love cookies-I have a huge sweet tooth and am crazy about most desserts-but the problem with cookies is that they are very hard to.

  1. Heat the okara in a frying pan for 10 minutes until dry and sandy, then leave to cool. Preheat the oven to 180℃..

  2. Add the ingredients marked with ● to a bowl and mix well with a rubber spatula..

  3. Add the cooled okara and the rice flour to the mixture and fold in from the bottom. Gather the dough together tightly as if pressing it together..

  4. Transfer the dough to a plastic bag and roll out until 2-3 mm thick. (I used a 20 x 18 cm bag.).

  5. Using a knife, cut the dough into the cookie shapes. To do this cut 6 lines vertically and 4 lines horizontally, leaving an equal amount of space between each cut. Transfer the cookies to a sheet of baking paper. (When transferring, the cookies may crumble so be very careful!).

  6. Bake for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C, then turn the heat down to 160°C and bake for a further 2-3 minutes. Once the cookies are golden theyre ready!.

  7. The cookies are likely to crumble when hot so I recommend leaving them to cool in the oven!.

  8. The trick to this recipe is to heat up the okara properly. The thinner the cookies, the crunchier they will be! Unfortunately, this means they will break easily, too, so be careful!.

Okara cookies are a different breed of cookies than tofu cookies.

Okara cookies are rich in soy isoflavones.

Soy isoflavones promote healthy bones as wells as working the same way as the female hormone.

This treat tastes just like a chocolate cereal, but it's good for you!

The recipe makes about a gallon of the crunchy snack, which is tasty when Then slather the slices with butter and honey and serve them warm.