Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit)

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Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit)
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Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit). Gudeg is Yogyakarta (Jogja)'s iconic dish. It is as old as the city itself and has been served since, on its inhabitants' dinner tables – from the Sultan's to the common people's. There are two young jackfruit dishes that are super famous in Indonesia, one is Padang jackfruit curry, and the other one is Yogyakarta jackfruit stew, lovingly called gudeg Jogja in Indonesia.

Traditionally it is cooked slowly in a claypot for several hours until you get a reddish-brown color to the dish.

There are two young jackfruit dishes that are super famous in Indonesia, one is Padang jackfruit curry, and the other one is Yogyakarta jackfruit stew, lovingly called gudeg Jogja in Indonesia.

Gudeg is traditionally slow cooked in a claypot for hours until all the liquid and spices have been absorbed by the jackfruit and the jackfruit meat is super tender and melt in your mouth.

You can cook Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit) using 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit)

  1. Prepare 300 gr of young jackfruit (note: DO NOT use the yellow ones).

  2. It’s 5 of hard boiled eggs.

  3. Prepare 300 ml of coconut milk.

  4. Prepare 5 of salam leaves.

  5. You need 2 of lemongrass stems.

  6. It’s 50 gr of brown sugar.

  7. It’s 1 tsp of saffron.

  8. You need of Sweet soya sauce.

  9. It’s of Spice paste:.

  10. You need 5 of garlic.

  11. You need 6 of small shallots.

  12. Prepare 3 of candlenut.

  13. It’s 2 tsp of coriander seeds.

  14. You need 1 tsp of pepper.

  15. You need 1 tsp of cumin.

  16. It’s 1 tsp of curcuma.

  17. You need 3 spoons of olive oil.

Gudeg is a dish of stewed young jack fruit commonly served with meat and white rice.

Young Jackfruits, also known locally as gori, is surprisingly tasty after cooking.

Cooked over low heat with coconut milk and palm sugar, and thicken during cooking with bumbu mix consisting of an amazing combination of spices and herbs.

Gudeg (Young Jackfruit Stew) originated in Yogyakarta which is located in Central Java.

Gudeg Jogja (Slow Cooked Young Jackfruit) instructions

  1. Put the spices into food processor to make spice paste..

  2. Wash the young jackfruit and peel the hard boiled eggs. Set aside..

  3. Heat up oil in a big pan. Turn the heat to medium when the oil turns gold and put in the spice paste..

  4. Add in bay leaves, lemongrass stems, and coconut milk..

  5. Turn the heat into low and throw in the young jackfruit and eggs. Add brown sugar, saffron, and sweet soya sauce..

  6. Slow cook for 2,5 to 3 hours. Taste to correct..

  7. Serve it with rice, kerupuk, and sambal..

People from that area tend to like their food sweet and thus, Gudeg also tastes sweet from the palm sugar used.

However, even though it is sweet, it is complimented by other flavors from the spices, making it more complex, instead of having just single.

There is also another variant of Gudeg which is called Gudeg Manggar.

Instead of young unripe jackfruit, Gudeg Manggar uses coconut flower which is locally known as Manggar.

This recipe is my first one pot dish using the new Sous V Pot multi cooker.