Recipe: Tasty Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce)

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Recipe: Tasty Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce)
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Recipe: Tasty Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce). A video I did for my assignment :) Perfect for breakfast or any occasion. Telur balado is a great dish to upgrade plain hard-boiled eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are deep fried and then simmered in a sauce made with red chile peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and shrimp paste to make this unique Indonesian dish.

I promise that you will love this one, it is so easy to make.

If you happen to hate peeling hard boiled eggs, they can be made into sunny side ups instead, though tradition.

Agar sambalado bisa membalut dan menempel sempurna, anda sebaiknya menggoreng dulu telur hingga agak kering dan keriput bagian luarnya.

You can cook Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce) using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce)

  1. You need 12 of quail eggs.

  2. You need 1 stalk of lemongrass.

  3. You need 1 Tsp of Salt.

  4. You need 1 Tsp of Sugar.

  5. You need of Balado sauce.

  6. You need 6 of red chilies.

  7. You need 1 of tomato.

  8. Prepare 3 of shallots.

  9. It’s 1 clove of garlic.

  10. Prepare 1 Tsp of shrimp paste.

Selain itu, sambalado yang digiling kasar juga akan lebih nikmat sebab lebih bertekstur saat disantap. - Telur puyuh memiliki berbagai nutrisi yang baik bagi tubuh.

Selain mengandung protein, telur puyuh juga dipercaya mampu menjaga kesehatan Telur puyuh yang direbus pun sudah enak untuk dimakan.

Namun jika bosan dengan sajian yang monoton, kamu juga bisa mengolahnya lagi.

Telur Puyuh Balado (Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce) instructions

  1. Prepare ingredient all ingredients. Boil quail eggs for 10 minutes. Blend balado sauce ingredients in food processor..

  2. Remove egg shell and fry eggs in hot oil until thin layer formed on the egg surface. Be careful of hot oil that slpash while frying, cover the pan with lid. Set aside.

  3. Mash lemongrass stalk. Heat 1 tbsp oil and saute lemongrass with balado sauce. Add salt and sugar. Saute until fragrance and put the eggs. Cook for 7 minutes..

  4. Quail Eggs with Balado Sauce is ready to serve with rice 🍚 ✨.

This is Balado eggs / Telur Balado.

Fry the seasoning until thick and input the eggs. fry a minute and voila, Its finished.

Put the Balado eggs into a bowl. balado telur dan teri Yang suka pedas pasti suka kan apa saja menu balado, walaupun hanya balado telur dan teri begini.

Nah kalau saya ya suka sekali, walaupun hanya lauk Bakso Goreng Ayam Dan Bihun Isi Telur Puyuh.

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