Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’

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Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’
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Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’ Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’. This is also Japanese summer sweet. We always use Anko paste (sweet bean paste), but oversea you can't buy or make it. So I made sweet potato paste.

It looks delicious, but I'm very curious about how it tastes, gotta make it soon!

This time it's a very traditional, simple sweet dish using kuzu.

This time it's a very traditional, simple sweet dish using kuzu.

You can cook Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’ using 6 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’

  1. Prepare 200 g of sweet potato.

  2. Prepare 2 tablespoon of sugar.

  3. It’s 1 teaspoon of Matcha powder.

  4. It’s 20 g of Katakuri starch or Tapioca starch.

  5. Prepare 100 ml of water.

  6. You need 50 g of sugar.

Kuzumochi are sticky 'mochi' cakes made with just kuzu I lived in Kyoto for a few years and started to miss japanese desserts.

The dango recipe posted on your site was so easy.

Kuzu dango! sooooo yeah i got bored so i drew a dango that looked like Kuzu.yeah got a lot of dree time XD.

Like all Hanami-dango, the pink symbolizes the cherry blossoms, the green the leaves, and the brown the tree.

Japanese Summer Sweet ‘Kuzu Dango’ step by step

  1. Cut sweet potato and boil.

  2. Drain water and mash sweet potato adding sugar..

  3. Mix matcha powder to half of mashed potato..

  4. Make small balls and freeze in freezer..

  5. Mix starch and water well..

  6. Add sugar and mix. Start heating with very low heat and stir constantly..

  7. Stirring well, when the batter turn clear, it is done..

  8. Wetting spoon and hands, make ball..

  9. Wrap sweet potato ball with starch batter..

  10. .

  11. .

This particular one has a sweet glaze, and the mochi is surrounded by colored anko (a sweet bean paste; don't be afraid of the "beans." This tastes no more of beans than corn syrup does of corn.).

Three or four Dango are often served on a skewer, which we call Kushi Dango (串だんご). みたらし団子

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