Easiest Way to Make Yummy "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato)

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Easiest Way to Make Yummy "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato)
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Easiest Way to Make Yummy "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

"Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato). Fresh Recipe: Appetizing "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato) - YouTube The first sweet potato was supposedly planted in Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune's private garden. The sweet potato grew in popularity as. This recipe is based on "Komugi-Manjyu" USAGI (Rabbit) ".

Sweet Potato 芋や/スイートポテトイモヤ (大門/和菓子)の店舗情報は食べログでチェック! 口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。 昨日、事務所に来られたお客様。一旦用事が終わって帰った後でまた、トントントン。途中に美味しそうなお店を見かけたら入りたくなって入ってみたらこんな物を売ってたの… 成田市で収穫されたさつま芋「クイックスイート」を使用したさつま芋あんにホイップクリームや卵、香り付けのブランデーを混ぜ込んだ生地を丁寧に焼き上げました。しっとり口どけなめらかに仕上げております。 鳴門金時の最高峰里浦地方でつくられたほくほく系の芋。その中でも築地市場に入るようなスゴ腕農家さんの芋使ってます。 A sweet potato made in the Soriura region from the highest peak of Naruto Kinetoki.

Well aged sweet potatoes with a rich, sticky sweetness.

You can have "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato) using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of "Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato)

  1. You need 80 g of Plain flour.

  2. Prepare 4 g of Baking Powder.

  3. It’s 50 g of Sugar.

  4. It’s 30 ml of Water.

  5. You need 200 g of Red bean Paste (Bean jam, smashed type).

  6. You need 40 g of Sweet potato.

  7. You need 1 of Chocolate pen (Brown).

"Komugi-Manju"芋(Sweet Potato) instructions

  1. Chop sweet potato and steam them. (heat them at 500W for around 4min. in a microwave oven) Mix them into the bean jam and divide them into 12 and make them round..

  2. Make dough. ≪Please refer to "Komugi-Manjyu" USAGI (Rabbit) ", from 2 to 8.≫ Mix the sugar & water in a bowl. Mix the flour and the baking powder and put them into the mixture(sugar + water). Mix them, stretch and fold the dough several times. Pull it together. Divide the dough into 12. Wrap the bean paste balls with the dough. Make them round..

  3. Write one Kanji text on the top of each with a chocolate pen. (Please try to write your favorite one!) Put them in a steamer. Spray water..

  4. Steam 10minuite over high heat..

  5. Its finished!.