Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)

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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)
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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour). This recipe is for a black dough for Nerikiri Wagashi. The process is same as "How to Make Nerikiri-dough (with wheat flour), but red bean jam replaces. Nerikiri is a dough for Nerikiri Wagashi.

This recipe is for a dough for Nerikiri type Wagashi with Shiro an (white bean jam) and plain flour.

See great recipes for Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour) too!

Nerikiri is a dough for Nerikiri Wagashi.

You can have Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour) using 3 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)

  1. It’s 120 g of Red bean paste with sugar.

  2. You need 6 g of Wheat flour(plain flour).

  3. It’s of ※Wheat flour should be 4 or 5% (weight) of the bean paste.

I already show you "How to Make Nerikiri-dough (with wheat flour).

The dough from beam paste & wheat flour is called "Kanashi" strictly.

I prefer to use this Konashi for making Nerikiri Wagashi because it's less sticky and easy to make.

A black cat sweet for Halloween.

Black Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour) step by step

  1. Ingredients.

  2. Wrap red bean jam with paper towels to drain the liquid off if it contains too much water..

  3. Put the bean jam into a bowl. Add plain flour as sifting it..

  4. Mix them roughly..

  5. Wrap it with a bleached cotton cloth..

  6. Put it into a steamer..

  7. .

  8. Knead the dough to make it smooth with the cloth..

  9. .

  10. Wrap it with a plastic wrap and cool it down. Leave it in a refrigerator for 30min..

I already showed recipe of "Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)".

How to Make Wagashi: Wagashi is a widely celebrated confectionery often served along side.

Great recipe for Nerikiri-dough (with rice flour).

I already showed recipe of "Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)".

I like to use this Konashi for making Nerikiri Wagashi because it's less sticky and easy to make.